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Vendredi le 31 janvier. F 3 1. Du-Amsco 27-28-100%, 22-23-50% 2. Linterro-Les 5 verbes 3. Les contes de fée*** Ce weekend: copiez et donnez-moi votre.

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Presentation on theme: "Vendredi le 31 janvier. F 3 1. Du-Amsco 27-28-100%, 22-23-50% 2. Linterro-Les 5 verbes 3. Les contes de fée*** Ce weekend: copiez et donnez-moi votre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vendredi le 31 janvier

2 F 3 1. Du-Amsco 27-28-100%, 22-23-50% 2. Linterro-Les 5 verbes 3. Les contes de fée*** Ce weekend: copiez et donnez-moi votre conte lundi! (rough copy-daily grade-250 mots)

3 F 3 Sample & videos of a fairy tale... Le Petit Chaperone Rouge rouge.php rouge.php Amusant!

4 F 2 ALL Due: Supplies, Speaking pkt, Borrowed words is for a 50! 1.Review for quiz: Get yours back & See next slides!!! 2.QUIZ 3.Commencez votre composition- H/W: Work on essay-25 sentences, 5 word minimum and numbered Ce que jai fait pendant mes vacances de Noël Monday-end of class-rough draft is due!

5 F 2 Essay- CE QUE JAI FAIT PENDANT MES VACANCES DE NOËL 1.Pendant mes vacances dété de NOËL, jai ----] 2.Jai aussi --- 3.Puis, je suis --- 4.Ma famille et moi, nous avons --- 5.Samedi avant Noël, nous sommes --- FIVE WORDS MINIMUM IN EACH SENTENCE. 25 SENTENCES (PreAP). 20 for REG. ALL IN PAST TENSE!!!!

6 F 2 REVIEW---Le Présent: The present tense Regular verbs ER verbstake off the ER off the infinitive, add these endings to the stem: E, ES, E, ONS, EZ, ENT Ex: Je joue, Nous jouons, Ils jouent, etc. IR verbstake off the IR off the infinitive, add endings: IS, IS, IT, ISSONS, ISSEZ, ISSENT Ex: Je finis, nous finissons, Ils finissent, etc. RE verbs---Take off the RE off the infinitive, add endings: S, S, ----, ONS, EZ, ENT Ex: Je vends, Nous vendons, Ils vendent, etc. Translates to: I verb, am verbing, do verb!

7 F 2: Le Passé Composé: The PAST TENSE (or perfect tense) of regular verbs A. Formula: Take the helping or auxiliary verb (avoir or être in the present) and add the past participle. B. The past participle of a verb is the form that generally corresponds to the –ed (played) See how the PP of regular infinitives change: -ER verbs end in –é (manger …..mangé) -RE verbs end in –u (vendre …..vendu) -IR verbs end in –i (fini …... fini) I verbed, have verbed, did verb

8 F 2 Linterro 1-8. Give me the formula to make ER verbs conjugated in the present tense 1. First you….. 2. Then you…. 3.-8. They are: Je, Tu, Il, Nous, Vous, Ils….? 9-10. Formula for IR 11-16. Do same for IR verbs-endings? 17-24. Do same for RE verbs 25-27. Taking the verb TO EAT conjugate it in the present tense for JE only and then translate it 3 ways. 28-35. Give me the formula for ER verbs in the past tense. 28. First you, 29. Then you….30-35 (ex. Manger) : Je…Tu…Il…Nous..vous…Ils… 36.-37, 38-43. Do same for IR verbs(ex. Finir) 44-45, 46-51.. Do same for RE verbs (ex. Vendre) 52,53,54.. Take the verb TO SPEAK and conjugate it in the past tense for JE only & then translate that 3 ways. 55. What does passé composé mean? (translate) 56. What does Déjà Vu mean? Bonusnext slide!

9 F 2 QUIZ BONUS 1-2. How do you conjugate the other 17 verbs in the past tense? (Give exact formula & detailed description) 3-12. Name at least 10 INFINITIVES (spelled correctly) that are in that house of 17 verbs!

10 F 1 Due: Borrowed words for 50%,Supplies for 50, Speak pkt for 50, Workbook 67-68 for 50 Due: W/B pg. 71-72 & 5 min. to study! **** EVERYTHING IS A 50 TODAY ! **** 1.QUIZ on ER, ETRE, FAIRE ** 2.REST OF CLASS: See DVD from unit

11 Jan. 27 th -31 st 2014 Mon 1/27Tues 1/28Wed. 1/29Thurs. 1/30Fri. 1/31 F 1 Due: APT 43, 44 for 50%, unless absent Due: Supplies for 100, & CANS Speaking packet for 105 Audio/workbook practice- Homework: SPEAKING PACKET for 100, Wed. for 70, Thur-50! F 1 SNOW DAYplans moved Cans due Supplies for 70, Speaking pkt for 100 Grade APT Finish up workbook pgs H/W: W/B-A pg. 67-68 F 1 Due: Borrowed words for 100 Supplies for 50 Spek pkt for 70 Workbook A for 100 Oral practice in text Any audio W/B to do? H/W: W/B-B pg. 71-72 F 1 Bor. Words for 50 Speak pkt for 50 Due W/B A for 50 Workbook B for 100 QUIZ: unit 3 Text practice & finish any audio work. H/W: 73-74 F 1 See DVD and play games with ER verbs & Unit 3 material Next: Mon; Grade written W/B, do Book test, spk pkt prac, unit 4 adjec. F 2R Due: Workbook pg. 63 65 &,Supplies 100% Speaking packet for 105% Due: Any late or Absent workbook! Check gradespeed! (Pg. 57 Due for 50%).Finish film or presentations H/W: Speaking packet/Food/supplies F2R SNOW DAY---plans moved Supplies for 70, Speaking pkt for 100, Finish film or presentations See Present/Past review slideshow. If time, grade APT H/W: Study F 2 R Quiz-Present & past tense QUIZ: Present & Past tense Grade APT/Workbook Work on your essay-due tomorrow! Turn in speaking pkt for 70 H/W: Finish essay-20 sentences F 2R Spk pkt for 50 Make up quizzes? Rough draft of Essay due Monday Book & audio work in workbook- oral and audio practice. Finish self- grading all work. No H/W unless youre behind or have been absent F 2R Essay rough draft for a 50% See DVD from unit Finish any presentations/movies If time, work on VOKI/QUIA Next: unit 3 food words & P/C F 2 PreAP Due: Workbook pg. 63 65, & Supplies 100% Speaking packet for 105% Due: Any late or Absent workbook! Check gradespeed! (Pg. 57 Due for 50%) Report cards & tablet check! Finish film /presentations H/W: Spk pkt/Food/supplies F 2 PreAP SNOW DAY-plans moved Supplies for 70, Speaking pkt for 100, Finish film or presentations See Present/Past review slideshow. If time, grade APT H/W: Study & do borrowed words F 2 PreAP QUIZ: Present & Past tense Grade APT/Workbook Work on your essay-due tomorrow! Turn in speaking packet for 70 Supplies for 50 Borrowed words for 100 H/W: Finish essay-25 sentences F 2 PreAP Bor. Words for 50 Spk pkt for 50 Make up quizzes? Rough draft of Essay due Monday Book & audio work in workbook- oral and audio practice. Finish self- grading all work. No H/W unless youre behind or have been absent F 2 R Essay rough draft for a 50% See DVD from unit Finish any presentations/movies If time, work on VOKI Mon. Essays back to fix & rewrite Final copy due 2/6 Next: Unit 3 food words & P/C F 3 Les fournitures scolaires 100%-demain-70% Les pages orales-105% Étudiez les 5 verbes-5 minutes Prenez linterro et puis, et les notes*** Show Fairy tale H/Wspeaking packet demain pour 100%. Fairy tale rough draft Wed. F 3 SNOW DAYplans moved Quiz review Present artists Speaking pkt due for 100 H/W: Amsco- 23-24 & Fairy Tale rough draft F 3 Quiz review Amsco due Fairy tale rough draft due Finish virtual tours Speaking Pkt for 70 H/W: Amsco-27-28 F 3 Linterro-Les 5 verbs au present,,P/c, limparfait et le subjonctif Finish artists Amsco F 3 Grade Amscos See DVD unit 2, 3 or finish ETRE/AVOIR dvd Make VOKI/jeux Mon. Jan. 27 th -Fri. Jan. 31 st 2014

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