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Friday, September 6 th 2013 vendredi le 6 septembre 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, September 6 th 2013 vendredi le 6 septembre 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, September 6 th 2013 vendredi le 6 septembre 2013

2 F 3 1. Linterro- (révision) Etudiez & Prenez linterro! 2. Henri le chat noir: 37_U CmC4M Bon Week-end!

3 F 2 PreAP 1. Dû: Je me présente-50% 2. Linterro 3. Film: Extra-SAM!!! 1chJ_M BON WEEK-END!

4 F 2 R Due: Je me présente Q & A & last day for supplies for 70. Quiz (Linterro) Finish introductions mini-skit*** Clip: Pk37_U Pk37_U CmC4M CmC4M BON WEEK-END!

5 ***F 2-R Mini-SKIT 1. Je mappelle…(name) (Il/elle sappelle) 2. Jai ….ans (#) (Il/elle a….) 3. Je suis de…(state/country) (Il/elle est…) 4. Je suis ….(adjective or nationality) (Il/elle est…) 5. Jaime…..(verb or thing) (Il/elle aime…) Introduce yourself to your partner, then stand up and introduce your partner to the class!

6 F 1 1. Turn in late work- Turn in Tuesdays H/W: the color blanks & flag page for 50% ONLY if you were absent. 2. Turn in Wed. work (puzzles/puffs) for 100 if you were absent & for 50 if you didnt have it yesterday. 3. See next 2 slides & take quiz on #s & colors! Work on & turn in yesterdays work-2 pages (front & back). 4. Last day for supplies-70% ABC RAP: BON WEEK-END !

7 F 1-Les nombres/les chiffres:

8 F 1


10 F 1-How to inquire about people: Tu connais…?Do you know…? How to describe people: Il est … Elle est … He is … She is …

11 F 1: How to find out a persons name: Comment sappelle …?Whats the name of …? Il sappelle … Elle sappelle … His name is … Her name is … Ex: Comment sappelle le prof? Ex: Elle sappelle Marie. Il sappelle Marcel.

12 F 1: How to ask & say where people are from: Tu es de…? Are you from…? Ex. Tu es de Texas? Oui, Je suis de Texas! Non,Je suis de Californie! Yes, Im from Texas! No, Im from California! Tu es…? Are you…? Ex. Tu es français? Je suis… I am… Ex. Je suis américain!

13 F 1 Les nationalités: français anglais américain canadien française anglaise américaine canadienne ABC RAP:

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