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Back to School 2018 Ms. Clark 1st Grade room 3

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1 Back to School 2018 Ms. Clark 1st Grade room 3

2 About Ms. Clark Grew up in Pittsburgh! Steelers Fan!
Graduate of Saint Francis University and George Mason University 7th year at Arcola teaching 1st grade and 11th year in Loudoun County 2 kids—Hannah (11th grade) & Adam(9th grade)

3 Literacy Pathways Components: Shared Reading, Word Study, Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, and Writer’s Workshop Two reading assessments during first quarter: DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) **We will discuss results during first quarter parent-teacher conferences.**

4 3 Ways to Spell Word Study-focuses on learning word patterns
Sight Words—Need to be spelled correctly and are listed by quarter on my webpage. Magic Spelling—spelling words phonetically

5 Specials Art (50 minutes) Music (30 minutes, twice each week)
Running Club Monday Mornings 7:35-7:50 Art (50 minutes) Music (30 minutes, twice each week) PE (30 minutes, three times each week) (M, W, Th) ***Please have sneakers on PE days! Library (30 minutes each Friday) ***Remember to help your child bring back his/her books on Fridays. Guidance (30minutes every other week) SEARCH (30 minutes every other week) Computer Lab (60 minutes each week)(in the classroom) Dreambox Lab (30 minutes)

6 Homework (reading log)
Beginning will begin in October. (first one will be sent home 9/28) Homework will be sent home every Friday and needs to be returned the following Friday Will focus on reading and comprehension skills (math facts later in the year) Extra practice can be completed using Raz-kids, IXL, Dreambox, STUDENT CHOCIE journals, etc.

7 Attendance and After-School Plans
Please make sure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and arrives on time each day. Instruction begins at 7:50. Your child must bring a note in the morning in order to change after-school dismissal arrangements. If there are last minute (during the school day) changes to your child’s after-school transportation plans, please contact the office (DO NOT RELY ON !)

8 Classroom Citizenship and ROAR
Responsible On task Acting safely Respectful --If unexpected behaviors occur, they will be discussed with the child individually and the parent as needed. --We focus on the positives in class.

9 Your child will have time to eat a healthy snack each day.
Snacks Your child will have time to eat a healthy snack each day. Must be something that your child is able to open independently and eat within 5-10 minutes. We snack outside sometimes. Non-messy snacks, please! Water ONLY There are no water fountains in the classroom. Please bring a water bottle for them to have on his/her desk.

10 Lunch If you wish to eat lunch with your child, please sign in at the office and meet us in the cafeteria at 12:05. Menus are available online. Ice cream may be purchased on certain days.(please discuss this choice with your child) You may send lunch money to school with your child or use Myschoolbucks online.

11 Parties and Birthdays Class Parties
Fall Harvest (October), Winter (December), End of Year (June) Specific dates TBA **Need a room parent to plan the parties. Birthdays No class treats If you are going to pass out invitations at school, you MUST pass them out to everyone.**

12 Special Activities Field Trip Spring (TBD)

13 Let’s have a little fun…
Learning should be fun, active, and engaging for all children. Students will investigate, explore, problem solve, and learn together. Students will justify their answers to help others learn and gain a deeper understanding. Students in my class will explore and learn in a variety of ways. They will spend very little time on worksheets! Your child’s work will have positive comments or engaging questions.(Even if it is all incorrect) Did you know…most 6 year olds are only able to sit still for 6 minutes!

14 Please bring in headphones for your child.
Used for… laptops during centers Listening to self created movies/books Listening to books/recordings etc. Used only for your child. Amazon $15

15 Conferences/Volunteer
Conferences for the first quarter will be set up in the next few weeks. First quarter progress will be discussed during these conferences. Volunteer opportunities are on the back computers.

16 Communication **Information can be found on my webpage or Arcola’s homepage Seesaw Posts/Class Announcements Monthly School Newsletter Thursday Folder(PTA, school activities) Daily Take Home Folder(daily work, notes from home)

17 To do… Join the PTA Sign up for the class directory.
Volunteer opportunities in the back on the computers. Sign up for Seesaw at home  Become familiar with the LCPSgo (website or app) Get your child a pair of headphones and a water bottle for class. ***Return how your child goes home today***

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