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Sharmad Navelkar Virtual Observatory India

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Presentation on theme: "Sharmad Navelkar Virtual Observatory India"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharmad Navelkar Virtual Observatory India
VOPlot 1.6 beta Sharmad Navelkar Virtual Observatory India

2 Virtual Observatory India
What's New? New interface. Ability to plot columns from one votable against column from another votable. Revamped cone-search service. Other enhancements and bug fixes. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

3 Virtual Observatory India
New Interface 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

4 New Interface Launcher panel
consists of a set of buttons and menus to load files, launch plots, create filters etc. displays list of opened files. clicking on a file reveals associated metadata. ` 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

5 New Interface Plot panel
every plot launches in an independent panel. column names color-coded by file. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

6 Virtual Observatory India
Revamped Cone-search 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

7 New Interface Revamped cone-search
fetching all records at a time and showing them in a paginated view. keyword based search for filtering the fetched results. caching of results for faster retrieval. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

8 Virtual Observatory India
Enhancements 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

9 Enhancements Plot interlinking
all open plots are dynamically interlinked. selecting points in one plot will reflect in all open plots. new filters and columns automatically exported to all open plots. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

10 Enhancements Plot legend
located within the plot area text and location can be customized 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

11 Enhancements Manipulate axis properties
axis step length can be changed. user can choose to label both axes in exponential notation. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

12 Enhancements Some more
VOPlot now maintains a 'recently opened files' history. ASCII parser now supports multiple delimiters and merge delimiters. 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

13 Virtual Observatory India
THANK YOU 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

14 Virtual Observatory India
THANK YOU 4/17/2019 Virtual Observatory India

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