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Ch. 8 wkst 3 Velocity.

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1 Ch. 8 wkst 3 Velocity

2 1. Read the rapattack helicopter pilot reading. 2. What is Rapattack?
BC’s initial response team to put out forest fires in hard to access areas using specialized equipment and skills

3 3. List five things you learn about when studying to be a helicopter pilot.
Aerodynamics, weather, radio communication, navigation, and air regulations.

4 4. What are some of the jobs that a helicopter pilot does?
Depends on the season. Summer is rapattack. During the offseason a helicopter pilot can be involved in heliskiing, helilogging, mining exploration, oil exploration, patient transfers, mountain rescues, search and rescue, are just some jobs they can be involved in.

5 5. Why are vectors important to a helicopter pilot?
Vectors are used in aerodynamics and navigation, thrust, drop patterns and power to name a few.

6 6. What affects the acceleration of a helicopter?
Inside load with people, gear, fuel etc. The more it weighs, the slower it goes. Also wind or other external factors can have effects.

7 7. Read the beige section on page 362
7. Read the beige section on page 362. It summarizes this section of the chapter. Average velocity Speed Slope of a position-time graph Equation : 𝒗 av = Δ 𝒅 Δ𝑡

8 8. Define speed, state its symbol, state whether it is a scalar or vector, and state the SI unit for speed. Speed is the distance an object travels during a given time interval divided by the time interval. Symbol = v Scalar quantity SI unit = metres per second = m / s

9 9. Define velocity, state its symbol, state whether it is a scalar or vector, and state the SI unit for velocity. Velocity = displacement of an object during a time interval divided by the time interval. Symbol = 𝒗 Vector quantity SI unit = metres per second = m/s

10 10. Can objects have the same speed but different velocities
10. Can objects have the same speed but different velocities? Explain with the example given on page 364. YES. The people on the escalators are moving at the same speed but in different directions. Since velocity is a vector quantity and direction is applied, person going up will have a positive velocity and the person going down will have a negative velocity. Or add the direction sign in brackets after the speed to make them different. 5 m/s or -5 m/s or 5 m/s [up] or 5 m/s [down]

11 11. Sketch the graph on page 365 and show the calculations for the slope of each line. You can also use RISE OVER RUN here.


13 12. The slope of a position – time graph for an object is the object’s ____________________________
Average velocity

14 13. Define average velocity and state its symbol.
Average velocity is the rate of change in position for a time interval. Symbol = 𝒗 av

15 14. Sketch the position-time graph on page 366 and write directly on it what is happening to velocity and motion from table 8.2. See next slide.

16 Velocity = zero Object is stationary Velocity (+) Moving away from origin at uniform speed Velocity is (-) Moving back toward starting point (origin) at uniform speed

17 15. How many meters in 1 km? ____________
1 km = 1000 m Ratio: 1000 m or 1 km 1 km 1000 m

18 How many seconds in 1 hour? ______________
60 s = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 hour 60 x 60 = 3600 seconds in 1 hour Ratio: 1 hour or 3600 s 3600 s 1 hour

19 16. Show how they converted 55 km / h [W] to m/s [W].
55 km x 1000 m x 1 h = 15 m/s [W] 1 hr 1 km 3600 s

20 17. Using the same conversion calculation as in Q 15, show how to convert 30 km/h , a school zone speed limit, to m / s. 30 km x 1000 m x 1 h = 8.3 m/s [W] 1 hr 1 km 3600 s

21 18. Sketch the 2 graphs side by side on page 368
18. Sketch the 2 graphs side by side on page By each graph, show the slope equations.


23 19. What does the slope of a position-time graph equal?
Average velocity Equation : 𝒗 av = Δ 𝒅 Δ𝑡

24 20. Write the data given, the equation for average velocity and show the work for the example on page 368. Data given: 8.2 s and 75.0 m. Find 𝒗 av (forward) Equation : 𝒗 av = Δ 𝒅 Δ𝑡 = +75.0m 8.2 s = m/s = 9.1 m/s [forward]

25 21. Write the data given, the equation for calculating displacement and show the work for the example on page 369. Data given: 3.5 m/s [W] for 12 s. Find ∆ 𝒅 Rearrange equation: Displacement = ave. velocity x time ∆ 𝒅 = 𝒗 av x ∆t = m s x 12 s = - 42 m = 42 m [W]

26 22. Write the data given, the equation for calculating time and show the work for the example on page 369. Data given: 12 m/s [S] 600 m [S] find ∆t Rearrange equation: ∆t = Δ 𝒅 𝒗 av = m = 50 s - 12 m/s

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