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Hydrology Review Mrs. Klu and mr. Mulkey 5/8/18.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrology Review Mrs. Klu and mr. Mulkey 5/8/18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrology Review Mrs. Klu and mr. Mulkey 5/8/18

2 Water Cycle

3 Water Distribution on Earth
% water covering Earth’s surface____________ Make a pie-graph of the water distribution data Include: salt water, fresh water that is frozen, And freshwater that is usable by humans Most freshwater is _______________

4 5 sources of freshwater lakes and rivers, deep groundwater,
shallow groundwater, frozen/ice water vapor Most of our drinking water comes from:____________________________ What is an aquifer?

5 Water’s density Temperature Salinity

6 Currents Surface Currents Affect on climate:
3 factors controlling surface currents: 1. 2. 3. Deep Currents Affect on climate: Factors controlling deep currents: Increase density by ________________ temperature and __________________ salinity

7 Gulf Stream warm water from the tropics to the north Atlantic ocean
creates _______________ climates in coastal areas that would otherwise be much cooler

8 California Current: Cold Surface current
creates _______________ climates in coastal areas that would otherwise be much warmer

9 Wave Formation/Movement
Most waves form as __________________ blows across the water's surface and transfers __________________ to the water ______________________ movements

10 Parts of a Wave

11 Types of Waves Open-Ocean White Cap Open-Ocean Swell Undertow
Long-shore Current Tsunami Storm Surge

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