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Working Group C Ariane BLUM, Hélène LEGRAND (France)

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Presentation on theme: "Working Group C Ariane BLUM, Hélène LEGRAND (France)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Common methodology for the establishment of groundwater threshold values
Working Group C Ariane BLUM, Hélène LEGRAND (France) Hans Peter BROERS (Eurogeosurveys) Berlin, 3 May 2007 European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine

2 Outlines of the presentation
Presentation of the draft Exchanges within the WGC-2 drafting group Timetable

3 Methodology to derive threshold values
Table of contents Purpose and scope Reminding the mandate and why this paper has been drafted Background Giving a common understanding of the GWD Article 3 General principles Giving the key concepts to apply the methodology Methodology to derive threshold values Explaining the recommended methodology

4 Mandate: WGC 2007-2009 1. Purpose and scope
STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP PLENARY WG C CHAIR: COM CO-CHAIR: AT Water scarcity expert group Priority Substances Working Group E Programme of Measures Lead: ??? Co-lead: ??? Compliance & Trends Lead: JG, RW Co-lead:HL,AB,HPB Integrated risk assessment Lead: DM, TT Co-lead: ??? Chemical Monitoring Lead: IT Co-lead: JRC-IES Methodology for the derivation of threshold values Status,compliance and trends guidance Strong link with the « Status, compliance and trends » guidance document!!

5 1. Purpose and scope Our purpose! Mandate: TV paper
Article 3 of the GWD (« criteria for assessing groundwater chemical status ») Based on BRIDGE outcomes Environmental objectives of the GWD / Receptors to protect Articles 3 and 4 (status assessment) Surface water Groundwater Depending Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTE) Human uses Article 5 (trends) Groundwater « itself »  (Surface water, GWDTE, Human uses) Article 6 (prevent or limit)  Full protection of groundwater Our purpose!

6 2. Background 2.1 Main objectives and requirements
Groundwater Quality Standards (GW-QS) Threshold values (TV) for: Parameters causing a risk of failing 2015 objectives Including NO3 and/or pesticides if relevant Taking the minimum list into account 2.2 The links between Article 3 and Article 6 Article 3 Article 6 Large scale (Groundwater Body - GWB) Local scale (groundwater) Apply to the whole GWB (‘threshold values’) Apply to different ‘Point Of Compliance’(POC) (‘limit values’) Criteria: Surface water, GWDTE, human uses, saline or other intrusions Surface water, GWDTE, human uses (including future uses), saline or other intrusions, material property, amenities

7 2. Background 2.3 Required scale for deriving TV
3 possible levels (article 3.2) National, River district, GWB Consequence: GWB = the smallest allowed scale for the TV to be reported in the management plan  GWB heterogeneity will have to be taken into account through intermediate values ( « criteria’s values ») and through the appropriate investigation 2.4 Schedule and revision Key dates (Article 3.5) TV to be established by 22 December 2008 TV to be published in the RBMP by 22 December 2009 Revision (Article 3.6) 2.5 Information to be reported in the RBMP 2.6 Transboundary GWB

8 3.1 Need for a conceptual model
3. General principles 3.1 Need for a conceptual model conceptual model as described in othe WGC guidance documents and as proposed in the GWD (Article II.A)

9 3. General principles 3.2 Aquifer typologies 3.3 Type of monitoring
To remind GWB heterogeneity As a support for the derivation of NBL 3.3 Type of monitoring Link with monitoring strategies 3.4 Attenuation and dilution issues (SW, GWDTE) Definition of dilution and attenuation concepts Justification for the use of AF and DF 3.5 Confidence in the conceptual model To remind that the relevancy of the TV depends on the confidence in the conceptual model To remind that many uncertainties exist (open process!)

10 4. Methodology to derive TV
4.1 Preliminary steps

11 4. Methodology to derive TV
Others… Select the relevant criteria Environmental criteria Usage criteria Selection of legitimate uses which’s surface is significant compared to the whole surface of the GWB Surface waters and wetlands Drinking water Industry Crops Identify the lowest criteria’s value Deriving a criteria’s value for each of the relevant criteria X2 X3 X4 Compare to NBL X1= EQS*AF1/DF1 4.2 Methodology Remarks 2 types of criteria « Saline and other intrusion » criteria to be linked with NBL Xi…

12 4. Methodology to derive TV
Remarks e to define by each Member State Using a risk assessment MS can define lower TVs if relevant NBL Case 1 Most stringent criteria’s value TV e Case 2  Minimum approach to fit WFD/GWD objectives

13 4. Methodology to derive TV
4.2.B Criteria’s value for SW/GWDTE Use EQS or any other relevant ecotoxicological value Use Attenuation Factor (AF) and/or Dilution Factor (DF) if possible 4.2.C Criteria’s value for the « legitimate uses » Drinking Water Standards in DWPA Case by case approach for other uses 4.2.C Criteria’s value for « saline or other intrusion» Relevant value = NBL

14 Outlines of the presentation
Presentation of the draft Exchanges within the WGC-2 drafting group Timetable

15 Exchanges within the WGC-2 drafting group
Reminder of the schedule 9 march: circulation of draft version 1 10 April: comments from WGC-2 members 20 April: circulation of draft version 2 2 May: drafting group WGC-2 meeting Main issues of drafting group meeting Links with the guidance document on « status, compliance and trends »  Both documents will be merged More details on: Groundwater « itself » as a receptor One single TV per groundwater body (link with « status and trends » document) Epsilon value Taking the treatment processes into account in DWPA (Article 7.3 and « baseline » concept)

16 Tentative timetable Timetable
23 May 2007: circulation of a new version 21 September 2007: Lisbon plenary WGC October 2007: submission to SCG?

Acknowledgements: WGC-2 members, Johannes GRATH (UBA-A), Rob WARD, Cath TOMLIN (EA) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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