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Mardi le 11 décembre FRENCH CLUB MEETS WED. BRING A TOY!

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Presentation on theme: "Mardi le 11 décembre FRENCH CLUB MEETS WED. BRING A TOY!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mardi le 11 décembre FRENCH CLUB MEETS WED. BRING A TOY!

2 F 2 1.Warmup: pg. 113 ex. 5 (one-six only), pg. 114 ex. 7, pg. 115 ex. 11, pg. 116 ex. 12. Then check for a prize! 2. Pg. 110-117 oral review 3. Packet practice F_2_oral_test_1_and_2 speaking packet.pdf H/W: Start studying for your test! Thursday: Unit 2 lesson 5, 6 PreAP: Bor. Words sentences due next Wed! Study new verbs also!

3 F 3 1.Le Corbeau et le Renard w w 2. Pg. 84, 90, 91-practique orale 3. Les projets de lart- 90% 4. Montrez-nous les projets! Les devoirs: ETUDIEZ LE VOCABULAIRE et LES VERBES! (mentir-vivre)

4 F 1 1.Notes: Subject pronouns (***on slides-KEEP!) & Notes 77, 78 are due! 2.DUE: Food project! (90). Bor. Words C def. for 105% 3.Warmup: pg. 77 ex. 5 & pg. 78 ex. 9, text practice pg 76-78. 4. O Canada-song-oral practice NO HOMEWORK! (unless you didnt do your food project –high of 80, or your borrowed words- for 100! )

5 SUBJECT PRONOUNS! Pros to know! SINGULAR 1.I = JE 2. You (familiar)= Tu 3.He= IL, She=Elle One(We,They, You,People)=On PLURAL 1.We= NOUS 2.You/yall (polite/plural )-VOUS 3. They= ILS (all male or mixed) ELLES (all female)

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