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Recognizing Character Qualities

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1 Recognizing Character Qualities

2 Character Personal qualities or traits that make an individual unique.
Examples of positive traits: enthusiasm, thoughtfulness, compassion, tolerance, kindness, fairness, and citizenship Examples of negative traits: laziness, indifference, dishonesty, intolerance, meanness, and stubbornness

3 Compassionate Caring about the suffering of others.

4 Emulate Copy the behaviour of another in a respectful manner.

5 Activity #1 Create ten index sheets (equally tear a couple of blank sheets into 10 pieces) Write a word/short phrase on each that describes a character quality you possess. Arrange the traits from which you like the most to which you like the least. Now, give up one trait. How does taking that trait away affect your character in general? Repeat until you have given up half of them. How has this affected your character in general?

6 Attitude The way you think, feel, or behave, particularly when you are with other people. Negative attitude: you are unhappy, you think life is unfair, and you have little confidence in yourself and others. Positive attitude: you are happy, you think life is good, and you have confidence in yourself and the people around you.

7 Activity #2 Do people judge attitude based on your appearance? It might be a bias or a prejudice, but it happens all the time. Come up with 5 different examples of how your appearance can convey an attitude. (appearance is not just limited to dress, but the way you look, project an image, etc.). From your examples above, which ones convey a negative attitude? What can you do to avoid projecting negative attitudes.

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