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“Never Grow Weary!” Hebrews 12:1-4.

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Presentation on theme: "“Never Grow Weary!” Hebrews 12:1-4."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Never Grow Weary!” Hebrews 12:1-4

2 Throughout Scripture we are instructed to “not grow weary”…

3 “…not grow weary in doing good…”
Galatians 6:9 “…not grow weary in doing good…”

4 “…be steadfast… knowing our labor is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:58 “…be steadfast… knowing our labor is not in vain.”

5 “…not grow weary in doing good…”
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “…not grow weary in doing good…”

6 to look at specific areas in our lives where we must never grow weary
Purpose: to look at specific areas in our lives where we must never grow weary

7 I Acknowledging Our WITNESSES
A. Witnesses in the Sense of Examples

8 His faithfulness enables us to be faithful to Him…

9 I Acknowledging Our WITNESSES
A. Witnesses in the Sense of Examples B. Witnesses in the Sense of Spectators

10 In like manner, our life in Christ is lived in the gaze of heroes of the faith…

11 II Laying Aside SIN A. Recognize Sin’s Potential

12 Separated from God, however, is a whole other matter
Separated from God, however, is a whole other matter. SIN is what separates man from God both now and for eternity if not laid aside and covered by the blood of Christ!

13 II Laying Aside SIN A. Recognize Sin’s Potential
B. Recognize Sin’s Nature

14 “…the pleasure of sin for a season…”
Hebrews 11:25 “…the pleasure of sin for a season…”

15 Sin’s pleasure is short lived and temporary at best!

16 II Laying Aside SIN A. Recognize Sin’s Potential
B. Recognize Sin’s Nature C. Recognize Sin’s Grip

17 We DONNOT inherit a sinful nature, but we certainly do ACQUIRE a sinful nature when each accountable person chooses to sin…

18 III Running the RACE A. A Race with Limitations
B. A Race Characterized by Intense Training

19 Walter Payton training on hills
Flo Jo training As the athlete must train with intensity and discipline their lives… the Christian must discipline unto godliness!

20 III Running the RACE A. A Race with Limitations
B. A Race Characterized by Intense Training C. A Race that is Short

21 IV Looking Unto JESUS A. First as Savior

22 This is why He endured the Cross… He came to be SAVIOR!

23 IV Looking Unto JESUS A. First as Savior B. Secondly as Example

24 In the long list of heroes of the faith, Christ is supreme…

25 Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry

26 Abraham Lincoln was a man of great persistence
Abraham Lincoln was a man of great persistence. Listen to the following list of failures recorded in his lifetime…

27 Summary and Conclusion:
…Our response to His grace deserves far more than the very best we can give. How can we do anything less especially with the promise of His Spirit reigning and ruling in our lives?! Persistence must be our middle name. Never grow weary!

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