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Intro/review of Excel.

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1 Intro/review of Excel

2 Objectives Define the terms spreadsheet and worksheet.
Identify the parts of the worksheet. Move the highlight in the worksheet. Select cells and enter data in the worksheet. Edit cells.

3 New Terms to Know Excel is the spreadsheet application in the Microsoft Office 2016 suite of programs. Spreadsheet - grid of rows and columns containing numbers, text, and formulas. The purpose of a spreadsheet is to solve problems that involve numbers. Worksheet – a computerized spreadsheet. Workbook - collection of related worksheets.

4 More Terms to Know Row – horizontal Column – vertical
Active Cell – Cell being used for data/formula/functions. Highlighted in dark border. Cell – Intersection of a row and a column Cell Address: The letter/number combination for the cell Name Box – indicates cell address Scroll Bar – moves you within a worksheet

5 Tabs/Ribbon Rows Columns Parts of a worksheet Scroll bars
Worksheet Navigation Columns

6 Formula Bar File Name Address Box Add More Sheets View
Parts of a worksheet Formula Bar File Name Address Box Add More Sheets View

7 Column Letters Row Numbers Help Active Cell Cell Scroll Bar
Parts of a worksheet Help Active Cell Cell Column Letters Row Numbers Scroll Bar

8 Tabs Excel has 8 tabs on the ribbon. Some commands are repeated at the top of the ribbon. These are the most commonly used commands. From left to right – icons Save, Undo, and Redo

9 Tabs File Tab Home Tab

10 Tabs Continued Insert Page Layout

11 Tabs Continue Formulas Data

12 Tabs Continued Review View

13 Open Excel You will need to search for Microsoft Office 2013, click Green

14 One More Term Range - a group of cells that touch and form a rectangle. The range is identified by the cell in the upper left corner and the cell in the lower right corner, separated by a colon. An example is B1:D12, with B1 being the cell in the upper left corner and D12 being the cell in the lower right corner.

15 Ways to move within a worksheet

16 The fastest way to move to an off-screen cell is to choose Go To on the Edit menu.
Pressing the shortcut key, F5, will also access the Go To dialog box.

17 Open a existing file Open Moving from your desktop Class activity
Create a header Save as movingxxpd_

18 Entering Data in a Cell Enter data by keying text or numbers in a cell and tapping the Enter key. Tap Esc to keep from entering data. Click the Undo button on the toolbar to reverse the last entry. Have students practice ranges D2:g16 F6:n13

19 Saving a Worksheet To save a worksheet for the first time, choose Save As from the File menu. Name the file in the Save As dialog box. Once a worksheet has been saved, you may save it by clicking the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

20 Summary Spreadsheets are used to solve problems involving numbers.
A worksheet consists of columns and rows intersecting to form cells. A cell is identified by a column letter and row number.

21 Summary (continued) You can move to different cells of the worksheet by clicking on the cell with the mouse pointer, using the keyboard, or by using the Go To command. Text and numerical data may be entered into the worksheet.

22 Summary (continued) Changes in a worksheet are saved using the Save command in the File menu. A worksheet may be previewed to see how it will look when it is printed. A worksheet may be printed to provide a hard copy.

23 Ticket Out the Door Take a few minutes and summarize your notes on your Cornell Notes Page. Be sure to indicate any vocab that you are still unsure of.

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