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How to Budget: Nitty Gritty

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Presentation on theme: "How to Budget: Nitty Gritty"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Budget: Nitty Gritty

2 Who should budget? Everyone!
What characteristics do you need to successfully budget?

3 The Bean Game Decision making is an important part of budgeting
You can’t afford everything that you could possibly want – What’s that term called? You have 20 beans to spend as a group, choose what you’re going to have this month! You have to have something in each of the STARRED categories

4 Tips and Tricks: Paper Tracking
Hand record all your purchases, so that you know when you’re approaching the limits of your budget, which brings me to… Expense Tracker 3.0! Just kidding… but that’s exactly what we did. Additional tip: keep all your receipts and record them at the same time every day, so you build the habit.

5 Tips and Tricks: Envelope System
Story Time! Write a wiki-how article Example wiki how article: Files-to-a-Memory-Stick

6 Tips and Tricks: Zero Based Budgeting
Zero-Based Budgeting: Starting your budget over every single cycle Why?

7 Tips and Tricks: Online Options

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