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Chapters 7-9 Morgan magyari.

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1 Chapters 7-9 Morgan magyari

2 Chapter 7 Evelyn and her mother go to church at the First Spanish Methodist Church, where churchgoers say "hellelujah" more than they breathe. Evelyn hates it. When they are on their way home, there were boys picking up trash and handing out flyers, which Evelyn's mom dislikes because she thinks the boys are hippies. At the bodega, Porfirio rants about hippies and embarrasses Evelyn, causing her to storm off on the brink of tears.

3 Chapter 8 Evelyn eventually makes her way to Central Park North, where she sees Dolores. Dolores is with three other people that work with her mother at Columbia University. They invite Evelyn to Dolores' house to hang out. At Dolores' house, they talk about people living how they want to live, and when they expect Evelyn to say something, she doesn't know what to say, so she mentions the pictures of Puerto Rico she found in her grandmother's photo album. Nobody understands what she's talking about, so she leaves.

4 Chapter 9 Evelyn refuses to go to church with her mother.
She goes outside and sees Angel on the ground after his father hit him with his pushcart. Evelyn's grandmother and don Juan defend Angel's father to Evelyn and she goes to check up on Angel. Angel takes Evelyn to a nearby park and they hang out there until it starts to get dark outside.

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