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Good morning! My name is Sarah

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! My name is Sarah"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning! My name is Sarah

2 Today's Learning Outcomes : describe what skills you have
Session 3 Today's Learning Outcomes : describe what skills you have create or update your CV demonstrate how to write an

3 Skills that require ZERO talent
Let's name 10 Video clip: skills and attributes

4 Apply Your Skills TASK: look at the skills on the sheet & on the board
Identify 4 which are your strengths Now, open a blank Word document on your computer Type your top skills (minimum 3, maximum 6) and give a real life example of when you've demonstrated each skill - this could be at work, socially or at home Print it out there's a sheet to help you if you're stuck

5 Break 10 minute break

6 Is it on paper or on computer?
CV Check Do you have a CV? Is it on paper or on computer?

7 CV Layout - What to Include
Your name and contact details Your 'pitch' - a summary of who you are & what you offer Your education & qualifications Your skills (include languages you speak) Your work experience Your achievements and interests Your referees (or available on request)

8 Top Tips Be positive, recognise your skills and strengths Don't lie!
Check your address looks professional Check your spelling and grammar carefully Tweak your CV to suit the job you're applying for (make sure you've included the skills they're looking for) Keep it short - 1 A4 page (2 pages maximum) Use a professional font What NOT to include:

9 CV Task Do you have your CV here? Update it :
Check it for spelling and grammar Check you have included your top skills Do you need to write a CV from scratch? Use the template.

10 Break 10 minute break

11 Do you have an email address? Can you access it?
Check Do you have an address? Can you access it? Examples of providers are : gmail, yahoo, outlook

12 Recipients To The main recipent(s) CC (carbon copy)
People who might need the info but don't need to take action/reply BCC (blind carbon copy) People you want to see the , but no one else (in To or CC) will know.

13 Sending Compose Start writing a new email Reply
Sends a reply just to the person who sent it Reply All Sends a reply to all the people in the To: and CC: fields Forward For sending a copy of the on to new people Attachment A file (like a CV or a picture) which you are sending with the

14 Rules You must not leave the subject line blank
Use a formal tone, for example : Dear Sir / Dear Mr Singh Thank you for your . Please find my CV attached. Kind regards / Regards Check spelling, punctuation and grammar Remember that s are not private

15 Write an email to me : Task
Remember to make the writing formal Attach a copy of CV there's a sheet to help you if you're stuck

16 Today's Learning Outcomes. Have you : described what skills you have?
Review Today's Learning Outcomes. Have you : described what skills you have? created or updated your CV? demonstrated how to write an ? Write a positive post it note!

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