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1 Meeting carbon budgets – 5th Progress Report to Parliament Committee on Climate Change, June 2013 If you want to tweet about this report.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Meeting carbon budgets – 5th Progress Report to Parliament Committee on Climate Change, June 2013 If you want to tweet about this report."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Meeting carbon budgets – 5th Progress Report to Parliament Committee on Climate Change, June 2013 If you want to tweet about this report please use #cccprog13

2 2 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

3 3 Todays report - Key messages Limited progress on solid wall insulation, low-carbon heat and energy efficiency improvements in commercial and industrial sectors. Underlying emissions reductions not enough to meet the 3 rd and 4 th carbon budgets – further Government action required to strengthen policies this Parliament. Economy-wide emissions rose 3.5% – due to relatively cold winter months compared to 2011 and switching from gas to coal in power generation. Good progress on some measures such as adding new wind generation, insulating lofts and cavity walls, and improving the efficiency of new cars – but challenges sustaining progress in future. #cccprog13

4 4 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

5 5 CO 2 emissions rose 3.5% in 2012 in the context of colder winter weather and a gas-to-coal switch in power generation. Small underlying emissions reduction #cccprog13

6 6 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

7 7 First non-traded sector budget achieved, second likely to be achieved – but not on track to meet 3 rd and 4 th budgets #cccprog13

8 8 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

9 9 Gross traded sector emissions rose by 5% in 2012 mainly due to the gas to coal switch. Deep cuts required to meet future budgets. #cccprog13

10 10 The price of carbon in the EU ETS has fallen further in 2012 and 2013 – important for the EU to put in place measures to strengthen the price #cccprog13

11 11 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

12 12 8% increase in power emissions due to gas-to-coal switching #cccprog13

13 13 Actual emissions intensity increased due to the gas-to-coal switch – but achievable emissions intensity fell to 315 gCO 2 /kWh #cccprog13

14 14 Additional wind capacity in 2012 was at record levels #cccprog13

15 15 Strong project pipeline – but concern over projects moving from development to construction. Offshore wind Onshore wind #cccprog13

16 16 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

17 17 Buildings emissions rose by 10% due to the cold winter weather and increased carbon intensity of electricity #cccprog13

18 18 Good progress on loft and cavity wall insulation and boiler replacement. Limited progress on solid wall insulation Loft insulation Cavity wall insulation Solid wall insulation A rated boilers #cccprog13

19 19 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

20 20 Industry emissions rose 3% reflecting increased carbon intensity of power generation - direct emissions were broadly flat #cccprog13

21 21 Limited evidence of energy efficiency improvements in the industrial sector in recent years #cccprog13

22 22 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

23 23 Surface transport emissions fell by 1.3% in 2011. NAEI estimates suggest that within this, emissions from vans increased, while those from cars and HGVs fell. #cccprog13

24 24 New car CO 2 fell 3.6% to 133 gCO 2 /km in 2012 gCO 2 /km #cccprog13

25 25 New van CO 2 fell 4.1% to 187 gCO 2 /km in 2012 Note: SMMT publish an alternative estimate from 2011 onwards It is anticipated that the European Commission will publish a strategy for HGV emissions in summer 2013, which is expected to consider regulating whole emissions over the vehicle lifetime after 2020. #cccprog13

26 26 Car km fell in 2012 – response to higher fuel prices, other factors? #cccprog13

27 27 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

28 28 Agriculture emissions estimates remained unchanged from 2010 – but are highly uncertain. Need for better evidence to frame policy response. #cccprog13

29 29 Contents 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations #cccprog13

30 30 Waste emissions fell by 3% in 2011, and are now 64% below 1990 levels. This is largely due to reduced methane emissions from landfill. Landfill bans should be considered #cccprog13

31 31 Non-CO 2 emissions arising from industry, transport, buildings and energy supply fell 4% in 2011 – EU legislation on F-gases should reflect full potential for low-carbon alternatives #cccprog13

32 32 1.Key messages of todays report 2.Emissions and their drivers in 2012 3.Emissions in the non-traded sector 4.Emissions in the traded sector 5.Sectors a)Power b)Buildings c)Industry d)Transport e)Agriculture f)Waste and other non-CO 2 g)Devolved administrations Contents #cccprog13

33 33 Emissions in devolved administrations broadly track UK trend – with relatively good progress in renewable generation, energy efficiency improvements #cccprog13

34 34 Todays report - Key messages Limited progress on solid wall insulation, low-carbon heat and energy efficiency improvements in commercial and industrial sectors. Underlying emissions reductions not enough to meet the 3 rd and 4 th carbon budgets – further Government action required to strengthen policies this Parliament. Economy-wide emissions rose 3.5% – due to relatively cold winter months compared to 2011 and switching from gas to coal in power generation. Good progress on some measures such as adding new wind generation, insulating lofts and cavity walls, and improving the efficiency of new cars – but challenges sustaining progress in future. #cccprog13

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