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Boy Scout Aims and Methods

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Presentation on theme: "Boy Scout Aims and Methods"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boy Scout Aims and Methods

2 Boy Scout Aims Character Development Citizenship Training
Physical and Mental Fitness

3 8 Methods of Scouting Scouting Ideals (character development, citizenship training, Fitness) Patrols (citizenship) Outdoors (citizenship, fitness) Advancement (fitness, citizenship) Personal Growth (character, citizenship, fitness) Adult Association (character) Leadership Development (character, citizenship) Uniform (character)

4 How programs stray Adults setting low expectations for youth leaders
Adults not adapting to their changing roles as they progress through the different programs (e.g. – Webelos den leader who becomes an assistant Scoutmaster but continues to treat Boy Scouts like Cub Scouts) Straying from age appropriate guidelines set by the BSA (example – letting younger youth participate in older Scout activities) Favoritism in recognition Multiple standards Being your son’s mom or dad on the weekend campout instead of an adult leader (let your son do it himself – including failures)

5 The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. We use the methods of Scouting—including advancement, the outdoors, and adult association—to accomplish these goals

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