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Confined Space Rescue Awareness Training

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Presentation on theme: "Confined Space Rescue Awareness Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confined Space Rescue Awareness Training
Bothell Fire and E.M.S. & King County Zone One May 2012

2 ConSpace Rules WAC 296-305-5003 WAC 296-62-141 CFR 29-1910 NFPA 1670
NIOSH 1994

3 Objectives Recognize regulations governing operations in Confined Spaces Identify the definition of permit and non-permit Confined Space. Identify differences between Confined Space and permit Confined Space. Identify equipment required to mitigate a Confined Space Rescue.

4 The Facts Approximately 60 deaths a year are in Con Space.
60% of these deaths are rescuers.

5 What Hurts Us 65% Hazardous Atmospheres 13% Engulfment
7% Struck by falling object 6% Heat stress/exhaustion 4% Others

6 A Confined Space is : Large enough to get into and perform assigned work, and Has limited or restricted means of egress, and Is not designed for continuous occupancy

7 A “Permit” CS : Contains or has the potential to have a hazardous atmosphere or Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant or Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or a floor which tapers or Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.

8 Typical Permit Confined Spaces
Storage tanks Pump wet wells Degreasers Sewers Manholes Tunnels Silos Vessels Mixers Water towers Underground vaults Boilers

9 Examples

10 Examples

11 Examples

12 Examples

13 Examples

14 Examples

15 Examples

16 More Examples

17 More Examples

18 Dangers of Confined Spaces
Oxygen deficiency By-products of previously stored material Accidental leaks/spills Chemical reactions Mechanical operations

19 Types of Confined Space Hazards
Atmospheric Hazards Physical Hazards Engulfment Hazards Corrosive Hazards Biological Hazards Other Hazards

20 Atmospheric Monitoring

21 Atmospheric Monitoring:
Initially and prior to entry all atmospheres shall be tested. The testing will provide information that will: Help select PPE Determine areas where protection is needed. Assess the potential health affect Determine the need for specific medical monitoring.

22 Gas Monitoring Equipment
Most are real time Single gas monitors Multi-gas monitors Must be portable

23 Monitoring for Oxygen The percentage of oxygen in atmosphere
Most monitors read 0% - 25% 19.5% % is typically acceptable Will alarm at either level Disadvantages: *Must calibrate to settings *May be damaged by certain gases or vapors Advantages: *Quick response time *Portable

24 Monitoring for Flammables
Second priority to oxygen May not read if oxygen is <10% Uses LEL Not 0% - 100% vapor in air 10% of LEL, not 10% of vapor. Usually calibrated to pentane or hexane Advantages: * Fast Response * Simple Operation * Audible/Visual Alarms * Portable * Choice of Sampling Disadvantages: *Calibrated to one gas *False Readings in Low Oxygen Areas. *May be Damaged by Compounds

25 You Don’t Want to be this Guy?
Do You?

26 Phases of Confined Space Rescue
Preparation Assessment Pre-entry operations Entry operations Termination

27 Phase I Preparation Rescue team evaluation Equipment evaluation
Hazard evaluation Personnel evaluation ICS

28 Preparation: Equipment Evaluation
Respiratory protection: - SAR or SCBA - Enough for entry & back-up - Victim?? Ventilation Atmospheric monitoring Lockout / Tagout PPE Lighting Communication Rope, harnesses, & hardware Patient packaging Fall protection, tripods, davits Passport systems / tracking

29 Preparation: Hazard Evaluation
Sites of high likelihood: - Industry - Projects - Water treatment / sewage MAKE CONTACT!! What do they do? What do they store? What can hurt you? How do you control it? Are they trained?

30 Phase II Assessment Approach assessment Resource assessment

31 Assessment: Approach Assessment
Enroute game plan At scene: Number of patients Location & last time contacted Type of space Location of entry points Use of space Other hazards Pre-entry measures DETERMINE SURVIVABILITY PROFILE!!

32 Assessment: Resource Assessment
Compile all approach assessment information Develop a plan Look at what resources you have, and what’s enroute. Is it enough? Call early!

33 Assessment: Documentation
Before entering document all safety measures Permits, atmosphere readings, safety checklist IF IT ISN’T WRITTEN OR TAPED IT NEVER HAPPENED!!

34 Phase III Pre-entry Operations
General area safety: Hot, warm, cold zones General area ventilation Outside ignition sources Rescue area safety: Huddle up – make assignments Atmosphere monitoring Ventilation Entry team support – medical screen Pre-entry brief Expected physical challenges Space layout & hazards

35 Phase IV Entry & Rescue Operations
Duties of Rescue Group Supervisor: Develops & manages the plan Duties of Attendant: Monitor atmosphere & record Maintain log of entry teams Stay in communication with entry & supervisor

36 Entry and Rescue Cont: Duties of Entry Teams:
Watch out for each other, hazards, & space / patient condition (L&I) Communicate with attendant & each other Assess patient and extricate appropriately Brief additional teams

37 Entry and Rescue Cont: Duties of Back-up teams:
Stand by in a ready position (no other assignments) Duties of Rigging Team: Build & manage retrieval system Provide patient packaging Duties of Air Supply: Lots of spares, or cascade

38 Entry and Rescue Cont: Other Positions Medical Decon
Cops (scene safety)

39 Phase V Termination Document exit time Medical evaluation & rehab
Report space & patient condition Wrap up equipment & decon Secure the space PIA












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