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Ch. 15-4: Cold War at Home Loyalty Checks- FBI began to check the loyalty of federal employees 200 lost their jobs b/c they were ‘security risks” Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 15-4: Cold War at Home Loyalty Checks- FBI began to check the loyalty of federal employees 200 lost their jobs b/c they were ‘security risks” Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 15-4: Cold War at Home Loyalty Checks- FBI began to check the loyalty of federal employees 200 lost their jobs b/c they were ‘security risks” Smith Act- illegal to join the Communist party Violated 1st Amend (Freedom of Speech) but never upheld in court

2 House of un-American Activities Committee
Investigated those thought to be disloyal to the U.S. Congressional hearings held to uncover those that were disloyal Beginning of the 2nd Red Scare

3 Hiss Case- accused of being a Communist with very little evidence sent to jail
Rosenberg Case- Ethel & Julius were sentenced and executed for giving nuclear secrets to the Soviets Oppenheimer Case- helped create the Atomic Bomb but opposed the creation of the Hydrogen Bomb and eventually lost his security clearance

4 Hiss Denies Charges and the Red Scare


6 No evidence to support him
McCarthyism Joseph McCarthy- U.S. Senator claimed to have a list of those that belong to the Communist party and worked for the U.S. State Dept. No evidence to support him McCarthy gave speeches and gained a lot of support from the people

7 Joseph McCarthy

8 He led a committee to investigate “Communist Sympathizers”
Many were black listed (refuse to hire) McCarthy even accused the Army and Eisenhower He lost a lot of support when he bullied people on a TV debate


10 McCarthyism- the use of reckless and unfair accusations in the name of suppressing political disloyalty. McCarthy was eventually censored by the Senate


12 China became Communist USSR had an Atomic Bomb Korea was a failure
Cold War Legacy China became Communist USSR had an Atomic Bomb Korea was a failure Many people distrusted politicians out of fear they were communist



15 Truman was a good president but not well liked
Truman’s Legacy Truman was a good president but not well liked He was blamed for Korea and the economic problems after WWII

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