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Descriptive Writing Mentor Project

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Presentation on theme: "Descriptive Writing Mentor Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Descriptive Writing Mentor Project


3 Deadlines and Due Dates

4 Deadlines and Due Dates
(this is right on our Writing Mentor webpage!)

5 Not sure how the discussion board works
Not sure how the discussion board works? Here are some old screenshots to help you! 




9 Due Date: Monday, September 22nd, 2014
Descriptive Writing Mentor Discussion Assignment and Due Dates: You will need to post a brief example of writing by your mentor (at least 7-10 sentences and APPROPRIATE). This is your initial posting for your group!  Due Date: Wednesday, September 17th, Then, you will need to make four additional comments to four different postings by your group. You will be responding to the snippet of writing by their mentor that they posted. You will want to address the topics from the back of your mentor analysis sheet: authentic voice, type of description you see, strength, weakness, and/or communal relevance. Be specific and clear when you respond. Demonstrate that you are truly analyzing the writing that you are reading! Due Date: Monday, September 22nd, 2014

10 A few hints: There are two due dates. One due date for your first post and then one for your replies to your peers. Be sure you meet the due dates. If you don't meet the due dates you will not receive points. Everything on turnitin is date and time stamped. 2. When you are asked to post something by your writer - please ensure that what you post is school appropriate and not offensive in any manner! If you submit something inappropriate then school rules do apply and you could get a referral. We don't want that to happen! 3. You may want to first do your responses in a word document to ensure proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics. This is still an assignment that needs to maintain college level writing. Don't forget that! 4. When you review the prompt within the discussion you will see the start and end date for the discussion - you will not be able to add to the discussion after the end date so plan ahead! If you get stuck and need help - just ask!

11 Remember – Your Mentor Analysis Will Help you with the discussion!

12 You can choose to use the topics here on the back when you complete your online discussion! You could also identify where you see application of any of the five descriptive writing techniques we have addressed!

13 Writing Mentor Descriptive Mirroring Activity
First, Annotate your article! Be sure you interact with the article fully! Don’t be a crazy highlighter! Highlight with purpose and comment on what you are reading! This can be messy! Your annotated copy will be turned in September 18th! Identify the topic of your writer’s piece. You are going to mirror your writer’s quality and quantity of description! So, if your writer used oodles of description – you will too! If your writer had no description – you won’t have any either! Your piece of writing will need to be 7-10 sentences long! Be sure you mimic the topic and purpose of your writer’s original piece as well as the quality/level of description! For example: *If your writer wrote about a family fight, you will too. *If your writer commented on the latest movie release, you will too. *If your writer wrote about his high school graduation, you will too. *If your writer wrote about a crime, you will too. Not one you committed – something you read about line! Be careful when you choose what to write on! You may have to be creative here and make up your topics! That is okay! Just keep everything appropriate! Do not write anything that will get you into trouble! At the bottom of your mirror piece you will tell me the three descriptive elements you focused on that you saw (or didn’t see) in your author’s original piece! You will then upload your mirroring activity to turnitin on or before September 17th, 2014 as well! You will NOT be turning in a hard copy!

14 The Annotation First, what is annotating?
It is nothing more than interacting with the text. Some people like to be messy and highlight and draw arrows and write in the margins. Other people like to be specific and use symbols to represent their ideas. It is completely up to you how you choose to approach this. Just remember that we are focusing on description as well as solid composition. You can certainly bring in your personal thoughts and ideas – just be sure you cover all aspects.

15 Looking for symbols to use to annotate your piece. Try these
Looking for symbols to use to annotate your piece? Try these Or make up your own! Just be sure you give me a key if you follow your own path!

16 Example Annotation (I like a messy annotation! )

17 Questions? Don’t forget everything is on our Writing Mentor webpage!

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