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Methods of Training Learning Objective

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1 Methods of Training Learning Objective
To be able to recommend appropriate training methods. Learning Outcomes A – Justify a recommended method of training. C – Analyse the benefits and drawbacks of training methods E – Differentiate between the methods of training Starter 1.Create your own definition of training. 2.Give an example of training you have undertaken in your life so far. 3.Did you have a good or bad experience of training? Why?

2 Training at The Office Watch this episode of The Office based around the training of employees. What do you think about this training programme? How would you have reacted if you were leading the training session?

3 What is training? You each have a card with a question and an answer.
You must ask the question on your card to another member of the class who must give you an answer. If they are correct, praise them. If they are not, tell them the correct answer. The other person then does the same and once both questions have been answered you must now swap cards. With your new card find someone else to repeat the process with. There are lots of questions out there see how many you can get around in 7 minutes. (Do not worry about repeating questions as you should now know the answer to these if you get them again!!)

4 Review Hands up if you could tell me something now that you couldn’t 10 minutes ago. On your whiteboards write down everything you now know about training.

5 Lets try some training 4 volunteers please!!
You will be our trainers, the rest will be our trainees. Each trainer will take it in turns to deliver a simple training task. Trainees will be expected to complete the training and an evaluation sheet at the end.

6 Questions How did you find the different styles of training?
Which one did you prefer and why? How could each be improved to be more beneficial to the trainees? Which was the most effective and why?

7 Create a training schedule – in pairs
Create your own training programme for a group of existing employees working in the technological industry. It should include details of the times that activities will take place and a detailed description as to the purpose of activities. Justify why you have chosen these methods of training.

8 Plenary Activity Complete the missing gaps in the table provided

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