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Unit 6/ #3 RLS: A Different Way To Visualize Rhythm- John Varney

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6/ #3 RLS: A Different Way To Visualize Rhythm- John Varney"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6/ #3 RLS: A Different Way To Visualize Rhythm- John Varney AOK: The Arts, Mathematics WOK: Imagination, Language KQ: Do all art forms (literature, painting, music, sculpture, architecture, dance etc.) use a language?

2 Objective I understand how close a relationship there is between emotion and the arts

3 What role do the arts play in your life?
Warm Up Question What role do the arts play in your life?

4 Art and Emotion Art has the power to tap into our emotions. Music is a good example of this. Visual art, literature and performance art can also evoke strong emotional responses from its audience Aristotle valued art highly because of its cathartic power due to its appeal to emotions. By watching a tragedy, we can 'cleanse' our soul and this makes us behave better, he argued

5 Why? Is this why we like watching emotional series like This is Us?
Why we feel relieved having a good cry after reading a sad story? Why we enjoy listening to sad music? 

6 Counter-Claim Plato, on the other hand, valued reason more than the arts and felt that the arts would lead us to become less good. According to Plato, a rational life was better than an emotional life and he felt that the arts would make us more emotional.

7 Do you agree with Plato? Have you ever been incited to do something emotional after the appreciation of a work of art (a book, film, song ...)? Can music incite violence or inappropriate behavior? If so, should we censor certain songs or art forms? Are there limits to free expression in the arts?

8 WOK Imagination If art is just ‘made up', what knowledge can it give us?  there are situations in which the arts can give us much more powerful knowledge than other AOKs. They can tap into our emotions and make us think of the unthinkable Music is a good example of the power of the arts, but the definition of music has become more and more blurry

9 What is Music? What is music? What is noise? What is not music?
When does noise become music? What is good music? What is the point of music?

10 Human Sciences and Art RLS=

11 TOK JAM Session With the instruments you have we will try to make a Grammy Winning Song in 5 mins

12 Debrief Going back to our class criteria of art Is what we created
Definitely Art, Maybe Art, or Definitely Not Art Should art be beautiful? What makes a song a hit?

13 John Cage’s 4’ 33” We will now perform one the most influential modern pieces I will be the conductor Follow my lead

14 Debrief What is the role of the performer in the music making process?
Does the audience have a role in a musical statement? 

15 John Cage’s 4’33” 4’33” is famously known as John Cage’s silent composition. All three movements are entirely comprised of blank measures. The composer, however, never saw the composition as silent. Writing in 1954, Cage stated, “The piece is not actually silent (there will never be silence until death comes which never comes); it is full of sound, but sounds which I did not think of beforehand, which I hear for the first time the same time others hear.”

16 4’33” Inspiration

17 4’33” Inspiration

18 John Cage “4'33" is a gentle reminder to embrace your surroundings, to be present. If art seems severed from life—isolated in concert halls and art galleries— that’s a matter of your perception. But if you pay the same attention to the hum of traffic or the rustling of wind as you would your favorite album, you just might realize that the line dividing art and life, music and noise, doesn’t actually exist. If you treat every sound as you would music, you just might hear something unexpected, something beautiful. At its core, 4'33" isn’t about listening to nothing. It’s about listening to everything.”

19 Music as Medicine

20 Robert Gupta: Music is medicine, music is sanity
In pairs, watch Robert Gupta’s talk Compose 6 questions you’d like to ask Robert Gupta based on what he talks about Imagine the answers that he might provide, and write them down Further Internet research can be done, but the focus of the questions should be on the subjects he deals with in his TED talk

21 Hot-seat rules A student from a pair who has not yet been ‘hot seated’ should take the role of the TED speaker Other groups may ask him/her one question (and only questions to which they have effective answers) The number of answers he/she is able to provide will be recorded by Estrada, and added up on a TOK hot-seat league table I will also provide a points based on his/her performance to be added to this total Any unresolved questions will be answered by the groups asking them

22 Exit To what extent are the arts an essential element of a healthy society? 1 paragraph response

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