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Strucural fire design of steel elements

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1 Strucural fire design of steel elements
SD8 module

2 ! NEW – fire load cases NEW – fire load groups
Different fire scenarios can be modeled using fire load groups! FIRE SCENARIO 1 – fire in room 1 or in room 2 (mutually exclusive load cases) FIRE SCENARIO 2 – fire in room 1 and in room 2 (simultaneous load cases)

3 Only fire effects can be defined in a fire load case!

4 Definition of fire effects on steel elements
Available fire curves: Standard temperature-time curve (so called ISO fire curve) External fire curve Hydrocarbon fire curve Parametric fire curve Calculated or user defined steel temperature! Analyis of temperature distribution! Apply as thermal load!

5 Fire effects in informative tables
The following parameters are listed: required time of fire resistance, type of fire curve, fire load density, section factor, shadow factor, exposure type, properties of fire protection and design steel temperature. The tables can be saved in the documentation.

6 Defining parameters Parameters related to steel fire design can be defined after clicking on Design paramters button on the Steel design toolbar. Fire design can be performed in AxisVM if there is fire load case in the selected load combination and if fire effect is assigned to the selected element (in the fire load case.

7 Design checks in fire Check only prescribed failure modes
Axial force-Bending-Shear [N-M-V] (EN , 6.2.1, ) (EN , , Annex E) Compression-Bending-Buckling (flexural in plane or torsional) [N-M-Buck] (EN , , Annex E) Axial force-Bending-Lateral Tors. Buckling [N-M-LTBuckl] Shear /y [Vy] (EN , , , Annex E) Shear /z [Vz] (EN , 6.2.1, 6.2.8, ) Shear /y [Vy] (EN , ) Web shear-Bending-Axial force [Vw-M-N] (EN , 6.2.1, 6.2.8, 6.2.9) (EN , , 7.1)

8 Resistances Plastic resistance (axial) [Npl,fi,Rd]
(EN , , Annex E) Effective resistance (when subjected to uniform compression) [Neff, fi,Rd] Elastic Shear Resistance /y axis [Vel,fi,y,Rd] (EN , 6.2.6, EN , , , Annex E) Elastic Shear Resistance /z axis [Vel,fi,z,Rd] Plastic Shear Resistance /y axis [Vpl,fi,y,Rd] Plastic Shear Resistance /z axis [Vpl,fi,z,Rd] Shear Web Buckling [Vb,fi,Rd] (EN , , EN , , , Annex E) Elastic Moment Resistance /yy [Mel,fi,y,Rd] (EN , , Annex E) Elastic Moment Resistance /zz [Mel,fi,z,Rd] Plastic Moment Resistance /yy [Mpl,fi,y, Rd] (EN , , Annex E) Plastic Moment Resistance /zz [Mpl,fi,z,Rd] Moment Resistance for effective cross-section subjected to bending around axis y [Meff,fi,y, Rd] (EN , , , Annex E) Moment Resistance for effective cross-section subjected to bending around axis z [Meff,fi,z,Rd] Minimal Buckling (flexural in plane or torsional) Resistance [Nb,fi,Rd] (EN , , Annex E) Lateral Torsional Buckling Resistance [Mb,fi,Rd] Critical temperature [θcr]

9 Calculation of critical temperature

10 Documentation After clicking on Design calcula- tions button, the detailed calculation is available. This calculation can be saved into the documentation. In case of fire design, the type of fire curve, the design temperature and the critical temperature are also shown.

11 Result table Among steel design result tables, Efficiency in fire table summarizes the fire design results in order to conduce the communication with fire safety engineers.

12 Cross-section optimization in fire
! If SD9 module is installed, steel cross-section optimization can be performed for load combinations that contain fire load case with respect steel fire design rules.

13 Further information… Fire effects can be generated according to different national codes. In case of Eurocode National Annexes that are not implemented in AxisVM, general rules of EN and EN are applied. Detailed description of SD8 module is in User's Manual, chapter … Load cases, load groups Fire effect on steel elements – SD8 module Steel beam fire design according to Eurocode 3 – SD8 module Please, download AxisVM Evaluation version to explore our new module!

14 Thank you for your attention!
Inter-CAD Ltd. 2017 Thank you for your attention!

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