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Maritime statistics Item 9 of the agenda

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Presentation on theme: "Maritime statistics Item 9 of the agenda"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maritime statistics Item 9 of the agenda Isabelle Collet, Andries Engelbert, Teodóra Brandmüller Eurostat Unit E4 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/

2 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
Introduction Maritime statistics aim to measure economic, social and environmental issues related to: - coastal areas -coastal regions - sea basins and - the maritime economic sectors 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

3 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

4 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/

5 Coastal regions and sea basins
A coastal region is a NUTS 3 region with either a sea border or without a coastline but where more than half of the population lives within 50 kms of the sea. 30/09-01/

6 EU maritime industry and transport sector
The EU maritime industry and transport sector employed around 1 million persons in As map shows, the leading countries were Italy. 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/

7 Database * Demography indicators by coastal- and non-coastal- regions
* Tourism indicators for coastal- and non-coastal- areas Coming soon * Labour market and economic accounts by coastal- and non-coastal- regions * maritime passenger- and goods- transport by ‘ports’ and by ‘sea basins’ and by ‘direction’ (inwards, outwards). 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/

8 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
Improvement actions Coverage: Data collection project Completeness: Quality improvement project 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development 30/09-01/

9 Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development
Dissemination Dedicated section Dedicated section for Maritime regions Online data Latest publications - Statistics in focus 5/2013: Economic ebb and flow in maritime sectors 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

10 Thank you for your attention!
More information: Contact: 30/09-01/ Working Party on Regional Statistics and Rural Development

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