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Unit 4/ #3 RLS: Where do new words come from? – Ted Talk by Marcel Danesi WOK: Language AOKs: Human Sciences, History KQ: What is the role of historical.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4/ #3 RLS: Where do new words come from? – Ted Talk by Marcel Danesi WOK: Language AOKs: Human Sciences, History KQ: What is the role of historical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4/ #3 RLS: Where do new words come from? – Ted Talk by Marcel Danesi WOK: Language AOKs: Human Sciences, History KQ: What is the role of historical knowledge in the creation of language? (Each language has the resources to create new words ad infinitum. Yet, we often go back in time to classical languages or else to foreign languages to do so. Why do you think this is so?)


3 Starter Research and write down the word for fish in as many European languages as possible in 5 minutes. Research and write down as many words as possible, in any language, for the sounds that dogs make, in 7 minutes.

4 Class Discussion What is going on here? What patterns emerged? What are the essential differences between the various words for fish and the various words for dog sounds?  To what extent can we say that the words we use for things mental maps?

5 Painful Words Which words make you happy? Sad? Embarrassed? Nostalgic? Any other emotion?

6 Objective SWBAT: Understand that words can effect us both psychologically and physically (SAPIR-WHORF Theory)

7 TedTalk In pairs, watch John Koenig’s talk
Compose 3 questions you’d like to ask John Koenig based on what he talks about Imagine the answers that he might provide, and write them down Further Internet research can be undertaken, but the focus of the questions should be on the subjects he deals with in his TED talk

8 Hot-seat rules A student will be ‘hot seated’ and take the role of the TED speaker Other groups may ask him/her one question (and only questions to which they have effective answers) The number of answers he/she is able to provide will be recorded by Estrada, and added up on a TOK hot-seat league table Estrada will also provide a bonus points based on his/her performance to be added to this total Any unresolved questions will be answered by the groups asking them

9 Hot Seat

10 Obscure Sorrows With a partner
Launch the Obscure Sorrows link on the class website Spend 10 minutes looking through the words I will be calling on random pairs to share a particular word or words that your group found interesting

11 Real life situation Podcast and article

12 Class Discussion How could the doctor’s initial use of language have an impact on his patient? Read Article How should doctors talk to their patients?

13 Contagious Thoughts Read the second article

14 Class Discussion What does the RLS involving Mr A, and Fabrizio Benedetti say about the power of language to influence the way we feel?

15 Creating New Words If we are aware of the psychological and physical effect of words Could we create new words to benefit our health?

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