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Higher order questions

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1 Higher order questions
Lesson Topic(s): Science Week of: 10/29-11/2 Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the three types of matter. TEKS:2.2A ask questions, 2.5A classify properties of matter, ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s): How are we affected by matter in its three forms? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Discuss three properties of matter. Solid, liquid and gas Introduction video Discuss solids. Matter Booklet Discuss liquids. BrainPop video on matter. Discuss gas. Matter posters and discussion. MSB video on Matter. Vocabulary Solid Liquid Gas State Property Change Higher order questions Give examples of the three states of matter. When do solids change form? How does freezing affect a liquid? How does pressure affect a gas? Explain how the three states of matter are connected? Assessment Strategy Students will write a paragraph explaining each type of matter. Students will create sentences using vocabulary provided. Create a list of ideas for showing what happens to liquid when it is heated or cooled. Students will write a paragraph about their favorite state of matter and share with a partner. Completed booklet and poster of one of the states of matter.

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