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11.4b Questions about graphs

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1 11.4b Questions about graphs

2 11.4b Questions about graphs
Creating questions on your extension-weight graphs Where do you start? You have to make at least three questions. One needs to be on weight, one on extension and the last about safety. Weight You could ask a question that involves looking at a certain value for extension on the y-axis and following it across to the line and down to the x-axis where there is a corresponding value for weight. For example: "What weight in newtons gives an extension of 4 metres?" Extension You could do the same thing as with weight but just reverse the order and start by looking at a value for weight. Safety This can be linked to weight. Think about what would happen if too big a weight was added to the bungee. For example, what might happen if the bungee nearly touched the floor with a small person on it and then someone large used it? This should help you think of a question.


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