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Building the Campus Reserve to support a sustainable financial future.

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Campus Reserve to support a sustainable financial future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Campus Reserve to support a sustainable financial future.
Todd Foreman Vice President Finance and Administration College senate December 4, 2017

2 Strategic Plan 2015: Scholarship, Service, Strength
Goal #4 Strengthen the college’s financial sustainability. Objective C. Restore annual operating reserve to 15% of State support by increasing revenue and operating more efficiently. STRENGTHEN THE COLLEGE'S FINANCIAL STABILITY

3 Why do we need reserves? Revenue shortfalls Unforeseen expenditures
Campus Reserves Why do we need reserves? Revenue shortfalls Unforeseen expenditures State Budget cuts Strategic investments

4 What is a reserve? Recurring Reserves: Expected annual operating surplus held in reserve, not distributed or allocated for regular spending. 1-time Reserves: Accumulated balance of unspent reserve funds, including carryover, where possible, of prior year balances.

5 Campus Reserves Summary
All-funds; $ in $1,000s as of 10/23/2017 Recurring 1-time FY17-18 Beginning Reserves (7/1/2017) $1,028.0 $7,927.9 …as % of $13.0m FY17-18 State Tax Support 7.9% 61.2% Projected , Activity & Plans Commitments/Costs: Contractual, salary & other operational needs; New/increased program investments; Reorganization/restructuring costs; Renovations ($2,030.4) ($3,456.1) Savings: Contractual; Reorganization/restructuring savings; Reserve Restoration Efforts $729.4 $650.7 Revenue Plans/Adjustments: Tuition and Other Revenue Gains or Losses $1,123.9 ($172.1) Released for StAR $0.0 Projected Uncommitted Reserve Balance, 7/1/2019 $850.9 $4,950.4 6.6% 38.2% Campus Target %: 15.0% 20.0% Campus Target $: $1,944.4 $2,592.6 Difference v. Target $: ($1,093.5) $2,357.8 *assumes 2% ATB + 0.5% discretionary salary increases after 7/1/2017 (annualized cost ~$1.1m) **includes Resident UG tuition $200/yr (except Excelsior students)



8 Apply to any type of expenditure
How and when do we get there? Savings targets… Effective July 1, 2018 Must be recurring Apply to any type of expenditure

9 Spending by Major Function - IPEDS


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