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GLOBE Carbon Cycle: The Carbon Cycle

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBE Carbon Cycle: The Carbon Cycle"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBE Carbon Cycle: The Carbon Cycle
University of New Hampshire: Rita Freuder, Lara Gengarelly, Mary Martin, Scott Ollinger, Sarah Sallade, Annette Schloss, Haley Wicklein Czech Republic: Jana Albrechtova, Kateřina Čiháková, Zuzana Lhotakova, Barbora Semeráková, Premek Stych, Dana Votapkova   GLOBE Program Office: Gary Randolph

2 Carbon: A building block of life
The most abundant element in living things Accounts for 45-50% of the total mass of the biosphere. Also present in the Earth’s, atmosphere, soil, oceans, and crust C is in all living things Pools and Fluxes/ Sources and Sinks Time Scales Greenhouse Effect Units Balance of Sources and Sinks/ Dynamic Equilibrium + why that is important

3 The Carbon Cycle

4 Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas
The Greenhouse Effect Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas


6 The Greenhouse Effect (continued)

7 Changing Atmospheric Conditions
Level of Certainty: 100% Annual Increase

8 Changing Atmospheric Conditions

9 Annual Global Chlorophyll Concentration

10 SeaWiFS Satellite Data
The Pulse of the Planet: Estimated Chlorophyll Concentration SeaWiFS Satellite Data January 1998

11 SeaWiFS Satellite Data
The Pulse of the Planet: Estimated Chlorophyll Concentration SeaWiFS Satellite Data July 1998

12 Atmospheric CO2 Over Geologic Time Scales
Vostok Ice Core CO2 Record 420,000 years ago to the present CO2 concentration (ppmv)

13 Inter-Glacial Maximum
Atmospheric CO2 Over Geologic Time Scales Atmospheric CO2 (ppm) 400, , , , Years Before Present Vostok Ice Core CO2 Record 420,000 years ago to the present 150 200 250 300 350 Barnola et al. 1999 Present (2011) 400 Ice Core Data Mauna Loa Record Inter-Glacial Maximum Glacial Minimum

14 Understanding the future of atmospheric CO2 is Critical
Projected Increases in CO2 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 CO 2 Concentration (ppmv) Projected (2100) 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 Current (2011) Vostok Record IPCC IS92a Scenario Law Dome Record Mauna Loa Record Understanding the future of atmospheric CO2 is Critical

15 Temperature Changes Mirror Changes in CO2

16 “Planet Earth Has Entered a NEW Era That Has No Historical Precedent”
Berrien Moore III Chairman International Global Biosphere Program Director Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space “The Earth’s Climate System is an Angry Beast and We are Poking it with Sticks” Wallace Broeker Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory

17 Questions about the Carbon Cycle???

18 Mauna Loa

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