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Abbas Agaimy, MD Erlangen, Germany

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1 Abbas Agaimy, MD Erlangen, Germany
The 10th Arkadi M. Rywlin International Pathology Slide Seminar Symposium in Anatomic Pathology, May 21 – 23, 2018 Split, Croatia CASE #34 Abbas Agaimy, MD Erlangen, Germany

2 Objectives of this case
Recognize a distinctive tumor type (birth of a new entity!). Appreciate its association with a hereditary disease.

3 AMR Case #34 Caucasian male. Multiple lipomas excised at age 26 y.
(Neck, trunk & upper arm). Then again at age 34 from similar sites. At age 35: bilateral scrotal masses (submited slides). No other special history submitted.

4 Bilateral scrotal tumors
(courtesy of Dr. W. Schaschkow, Gelsenkirchen, Germany)

5 At low power, well circumscribed with striking size variation
of adipocytes

6 Striking fat cell size variation (anisocytosis) but little atypia

7 Degenerative changes (variable staining of cell borders

8 Grape-like atypical vacuolation

9 Chicken-wire phenomenon of cell borders/periphery

10 Mild atypia & vacuolated nuclei (Lochkerne)

11 Mild atypia & vacuolated nuclei (Lochkerne) are typical

12 Ruptured single fat cells with
histiocytes encasing them

13 Rb1 lost in most of fatty & stromal cells

14 Other markers tested CD34: pos in scattered stromal cells
MDM2&CDK4 IHC: neg MDM2&CDK4 FISH: neg for amplification Rb1 FISH: no abnormality detected in this tumor

15 What is your diagnosis?

16 Our case ordinary lipoma

17 Our case conventional ALT

18 Our case pleomorphic/SCL

19 What is your diagnosis? Not an ordinary lipoma.
Not a conventional ALT. No classical spindle cell lipoma component. ????

20 USCAP 2015 (Boston)




24 On the occasion of his scrotal lipomas, it came out that this
patient had a retinoblastoma at age 1.

25 Male. Multiple lipomas excised at age 26 y. (Neck, trunk & upper arm). Then again at age 34 from similar sites. At age 35: bilateral scrotal masses (submited slides). Striking concordance between the two cases

26 M: F = 7:1 Age (M: 51 y) Site: mainly upper back, shoulders or posterior neck 15% multiple (2 to 5 tumors) Rb1 loss by ICH: 69% cases. >23% Rb1 deletions by FISH Local rec: 16%.

27 TP53

28 Take-home-message Dysplastic (anisometric cell) lipoma is a frequent but likely misnamed subcutaneous fatty neoplasm. Distinctive from conventional ALT histolgically and by IHC. Distinctive from conventional pleomorphic/spindle cell lipoma. Has a recurrence rate in the range of 16%. No dedifferentiation reported. Tends to be frequently multifocal. Associated with childhood retinoblastoma in a subset of cases.

29 29 Kilometer apart City of Berber Sudan

30 Thank you for your attention
29 Kilometer apart City of Atbara Kamal G. Ishak ( ) City of Berber Sudan

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