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Tuberculosis in Slovakia

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1 Institute for Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases and Thoracic Surgery TB in Slovakia Ivan Solovič,MD,PhD.

2 Tuberculosis in Slovakia - 1960-2002

3 TB Slovakia

4 TB in Slovakia 1 9 8 8 – 2 0 0 2 Number of cases All TB cases smear +
culture + Number of cases 1988 2002 1988 2002 1988 2002

5 TB 2002 sex and age structure

6 Incidence of TB in regions of Slovakia - 2002
0 – 15 15 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 30 ZA 22,2 27,3 PO TN 14,9 27,9 BB BA TT KE 13,9 17,7 NI 14,2 17,9


8 TB 1996-2002 Gypsies Year TBC Gypsies % gypsies 0-14 TB total
of total TB gypsies 0-14 of TB 1996 1498 126 8,4 46 20 43,5 1997 1296 90 6,9 27 4 14,8 1998 1281 133 10,4 38 18 47,4 1999 1218 102 21 19,0 2000 1111 91 8,2 15 7 46,7 2001 1079 9,5 22 9 40,9 2002 1055 125 11,9 5 25,0

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