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Midterm Exam Review GEN001.

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1 Midterm Exam Review GEN001

2 Midterm Exam (20%) students will be randomly divided into groups of 4-5 Each group will have a specific exam time. Please arrive 10 minutes early to the exam (we will begin as soon as the previous group has finished!!) Please wait quietly in the hall. Minus points will be given for noise! 2

3 Midterm Exam (20%) Pair conversation (2 conversations)
Your oral exam will be in week 7 (Oct 14~18) Your partners will be randomly chosen from your group at the exam different partner for each conversation Your topic will be chosen randomly from our list of questions related to units 1, 2, 4. Continue your conversation for as long as possible using the grammar and vocabulary from the unit 3

4 Midterm Exam Evaluation
Target Language (Vocabulary and Grammar) 20/100 accuracy and range of grammar and vocabulary from class Pronunciation volume, clarity, word stress, individual sounds, reductions Fluency pace, pausing, confidence Comprehension understanding of partner's comments and questions Conversation Dynamic use of conversation strategies, ability to contribute (quantity and quality) 4

5 Midterm Exam If you cannot come to the exam, you must contact the instructor BEFORE the exam. You must supply an official document from Dong-A. If you miss the exam without contacting the instructor, you will receive a grade of 0. There will be no re-writes. 5

6 Midterm Exam - Tips Do NOT memorize exam answers. Minus points will be given!! listen carefully to your partner and work together to have a conversation (help each other but in English) ask a lot of follow-up questions (yes/no and information) to keep the conversation going! use the grammar and vocabulary from the appropriate unit to answer the exam question ex. if the exam topic is about your interests, use the grammar and vocabulary from Unit 1 in your answer 6 6 6

7 Self-study CD-ROM Check out the activities for Units 1, 2, 4

8 What are you interested in?
Sample Question What are you interested in? STUDY TIPS: Identify the unit Check the key vocabulary (Lesson A and C) Check the grammar points (Lesson A and C) Check the key expressions (Lesson B) Think about connected or related topics Remember to use lots of follow-up questions!

9 Sample Answer A: Hey Minjee. What are you interested in?
B: I’m interested in sports and pop culture. A: Are you interested in soccer? B: Ya! I love soccer. How about you? A: Absolutely! Soccer is great. Who is your favorite player? B: Ji Seong Park. A: Sorry, I can’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please? B: The Korean player Ji Seong Park. A: Got it. Do you play sports? B: Yes, I play baseball and I do taekwondo. And you? A: I play basketball and I go hiking. B: Oh I hike too. Let’s hike together this weekend. A: Sound good.

10 Useful expressions for conversation
in conversation, both people work together to communicate HOW? they repeat and ask for repetition say things again using other words ask what something means if you don’t understand/hear your partner, use one of the expressions Can you repeat that? I’m sorry I don’t understand. if you see that your partner doesn’t hear/understand you, use one of the expressions Are you following me? What I mean is…

11 Try it out! Unit 1 – My interests What sports do you like?
What are you interested in? Who’s your favourite actor? Do you do yoga? Do you watch sports on TV? What’s your favourite TV show? Are you interested in travel? Are you and your friends interested in similar things? What’s your number? What’s your ? What sports does your family like?

12 Try it out! Unit 2 – Descriptions What are you like?
What’s your mother or father like? What is your brother or sister like? Is your best friend talkative? Are your parents generous? What do you look like? What does your partner look like? What does your father or mother look like? Are your parents tall? Is your best friend bald?

13 Try it out! Unit 4 – Life at home
Do you have a dresser in your bedroom? Describe your bedroom. How much light is there in your kitchen? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Situation: Your neighbor’s TV is very noisy. Make a request. Situation: Your neighbor’s children play the piano late at night. Make a request. Do you do any chores at home? How often do you take out the garbage? How often do you clean out your closet? Do you drop off or pick up the dry cleaning?

14 Conversation strategy: follow-up questions
Questions related to what the speaker has already said used to keep the conversation going show active listening

15 Follow-up Questions A: Hey how are you?
B: I feel awful. I have a headache and I didn’t sleep well last night. Follow-up questions: A: Did you take some medicine? Do you sleep well usually? Where does your head hurt? Did you see a doctor? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Do you have a cold? Do you have the flu? When did you go to bed? When did your headache begin? Do you get headaches often? When was the last time you had a headache?

16 Yes/No questions BE verb Other verbs (not BE)
BE + subject + ___? Ex. Are you tired today? Other verbs (not BE) Do + subject + main verb + ___? Ex. Do you like to shop? Modal verbs (can, would, etc.) Modal verb + subject + main verb + ___? Ex. Would you like to take cooking classes?

17 Information Questions
BE verb (Question Word) BE + subject + ___? Ex. Why are you tired? Other verbs (not BE) (Question Word) Do + subject + main verb + ___? Ex. Where do you like to shop? Modal verbs (can, would, etc.) (Question Word) Modal verb + subject + main verb + ___? Ex. Why would you like to take cooking classes?

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