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What Parents Owe A sense of personal worth

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Presentation on theme: "What Parents Owe A sense of personal worth"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Parents Owe A sense of personal worth
self esteem,criticisms balanced with praises Firm guidance & consistent discipline Privacy & respect A set of values respectful to others

2 A Good Education Talk about kinds of education The woman
classical E. (history,literature… no useful skill The man skills(book-keeping, commercial arith-, typing ) back to school for good E.

3 The Influence of TV on Kids
TV infl- kids a lot, amount of TV time Violence Commercials, kids are not mature to judge Edu- program, Sesame str. Harmful bored, passive

4 Developing kids’ social skills
The importance of S.S. healthy kids happiness & success – ability to get along with … Three ways 1. rules & standards: 3 categories 2. behavior for model 3.specific S.S.: consider others’ feelings, how their behavior affects others

5 My Writing Career Difference between a writer & writing wealth & fame,
want to write, long hours alone Reality of writing lonely, private &poor-paying My writing career coast guardsman –F. writer bad living condi. why persist--dream What we learn

6 Parental teaching New skills force to learn too much; balance
Strictness money matters, punctuality represent parents’ needs, community’s value Consistency in moral standards example

7 Competition in America
A country of competition 1.welcome winners 2.repress do-it-too-well winners Competitive drive is hard wired 1. genetic competition 2.go on competing to win the favor…

8 Competition & Cooperation
Evidence of com- games, jobs, fame, Relation of com- & co- opposition 2. go hand in hand Importance of cooperation most work

9 Musical Prodigies Violin prodigies in late 19th & early 20th c.
where & why, Jews Nowadays prodigies where & why, Far East, Japanese The making of musical prodigies hard work & biological inheritance

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