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Relative Clauses of Characteristic, Supines

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1 Relative Clauses of Characteristic, Supines
Chapter 38 Relative Clauses of Characteristic, Supines

2 Relative Clauses of Characteristic
You have seen the relative clause in Latin used with an indicative verb as the governing verb. dedī tibi quod cupīvistī I gave you what (the thing which) you wanted.

3 Relative Clauses of Characteristic
A subjunctive verb in a relative clause is used to mean “the type of thing.” dedī tibi quod cupīverīs I gave you what (the type of thing which) you wanted.

4 Relative Clauses of Characteristic
sōlus est quem dī dīligant nūllus est cui invideant sunt aliī complūrēs quī idem fēcerint

5 Relative Clauses of Characteristic
This construction was also frequently used in order to express cause, purpose, result, and adversative clauses. ōdīmus eōs quī haec faciant – causal mīror tē sīc fābulārī, quae tam callida sīs. – adversative hominēs ratiōnem habent ā natūrā datam quae et causās rērum et cōnsecūtiōnēs videat – purpose

6 Supines A Supine is another type of abstract verbal noun formed from the 4th princ. part. It is a fourth declension masculine noun that appears in the accusative and ablative* cases. In the accusative it expresses purpose with verbs of motion. In the ablative it is modified by neuter adjectives

7 Supines legātōs Caesarem mittunt rogātum auxilium mīrābile dictū
facile factū

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