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They belong to 1st , 2nd , and 3rd declension

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Presentation on theme: "They belong to 1st , 2nd , and 3rd declension"— Presentation transcript:

1 They belong to 1st , 2nd , and 3rd declension
Adjectives II They belong to 1st , 2nd , and 3rd declension They agree with a noun in gender, number, and case

2 1st and 2nd declension adjectives agree with their nouns also in declension.
They are listed in the dictionary with 3 endings: M F N laetus laeta laetum laetus puer laeta puella laetum donum happy boy happy girl happy gift Of course this words are in the NOMINATIVE case

3 3rd declension adjectives do not agree with their nouns in declension
They are listed in a dictionary as: M F N celer celeris celere swift swift swift celer iuvenis celeris femina celere prandium swift youngmen swift woman swift meal

4 2 endings in Nominative: one form for masculine and feminine, and one form for neuter: M F N
brevis, breve M F N brevis stilus brevis vita breve bellum short pen short life short war

5 1 ending for all tree genders:
M F N Nom./Voc. felix felix felix Gen felicis felicis felicis Dat felici felici felici Acc felicem felicem felix Abl felici felici felici

6 felix homo felix puella felix carmen happy man happy girl happy song

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