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NTO Facilitator Training

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1 NTO Facilitator Training

2 It’s all in the details! Sign in today
Sign in at the Fine Arts Lobby at NTO and pick up materials (this will ensure you get paid) 5 min 5 min elapsed Welcome, Introductions, Framing, Sign In

3 One Stop Shop /FrontPage 5 min 10 min elapsed Go to wiki front page – New Teacher Induction Program Click on Orientation- Click on Session Materials Click on Facilitator’s Only – I have provided schedule, partner and room assignments as paper copy as well Review contents only – individual documents will be reviewed 2 slides from now

4 Get Paid! 4.25 hours of presenter pay (currently $36.32/hr) = $154.36
Each presenter may log up to 2 hours of planning time Each individual fills out a Title IIA Presenter Prep/Planning Time Log Planning date must be prior to August 22nd Send Planning logs to Judy Bisasky, Office of Organizational Development, by August 31st. 5 min 15 min elapsed

5 More Details! Schedule Facilitator Pairs and Room Assignments
Parking Passes Let us know of any issues ASAP 10 min 25 min elapsed Review each document Provide map as well – if available

6 Differentiation For Not by Experienced vs. New Teachers
Special Area Teachers Self-Contained Special Educators World Languages Reducing total time Changing the overall outcomes 5 min 30 min elapsed PPT is simply a guide You may and are expected to differentiate for… But not by… Please be responsive to your participants Only New Teachers will get “The first Days of School”

7 Teacher Evaluation/ESOL
60 mins 90 min elapsed

8 Classroom Management and Professional Conduct
55 mins 145 min elapsed

9 Things to Make vs. Material Provided
To Pick up at NTO Sign In Posters with 2 titles per page for carousel activity in station 3 Text, The First Days of School, will be in your room. (New Teachers only) Participant folders containing: Professional Conduct or Not BCPS Policy and Rule 4100 Self –Assessment Handout Quick Start Guide Chart Paper (at least 3 sheets) 1 pack of markers Station handouts – High Impact Teaching (HIT) Behaviors and Traditional Classroom vs. Modern Classroom 5 min 150 min elapsed If you make any modifications that require additional materials, you will have to bring them yourself.

10 Collaboration Time 30 min 180 min elapsed

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