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Presentation on theme: "Nonmetals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nonmetals

2 Elements that lack most of the properties of metals
Location: to the right of the zig zag line on periodic table

3 Physical Properties In general- opposites of metals
Most are gases at room temperature Low boiling points Dull Brittle Low densities Poor conductors

4 Chemical Properties Most readily form a compound (except group 18)

5 Compounds of Nonmetals
Diatomic Molecules= when molecules contain only 2 atoms Ex: O2 , Cl2 When metal reacts with nonmetal = electrons move from M to NM When NM reacts with NM, they share electrons

6 Families of Nonmetals

7 Carbon Family (Group 14) C Si Ge Sn Pb Each has 4 valence e
All living things contain compounds made of carbon C Si Ge Sn Pb

8 Nitrogen Family (Group 15)
As Sb Bi Each has 5 valence electrons 80% of our atmosphere is N2 Nitrogen compounds are found in soil Phosphorus is not stable. It’s used in matches & flares

9 O S Se Te Po Oxygen Family (Group 16) Each has 6 valence electrons
Typically gain or share electrons O2 = oxygen gas O3 = ozone Oxygen is found mostly in Earth’s crust, but 2nd most is found in atmosphere Sulfur compounds have a strong unpleasant odor. Found in rubber bands, tires & medicine O S Se Te Po

10 Halogen Family (Group 17)
Cl Br I At Each has 7 valence electrons Gain or share 1 electron All very reactive & most dangerous to humans F= nonstick cookware Cl= table salt & pool cleaner Br= Film for cameras

11 He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn Noble Gases (Group 18)
“Snobby” they don’t interact with others Do not ordinarily form compounds with other elements Stable & unreactive Exist in small amounts in Earth’s atmosphere Discovered in 1800’s He= gas for balloons Ne= neon lights

12 H Hydrogen Has only 1 proton & 1 electron
Makes up more than 90% of atoms in the universe Only 1% of Earth’s crust, oceans, & atmosphere is made up of H Is usually found combined with another element in nature H

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