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Figure 5.22 Poison ivy plant..

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1 Figure 5.22 Poison ivy plant.

2 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of eczema.
Eczema Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of eczema. Back to Directory

3 Audio Pronunciations Erythroderma Eschar Excoriation Exudate ex- =out
= corium -ion = process

4 Figure 5.23 Erythema infectiosum (Fifth disease). (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 4

5 Audio Pronunciations Folliculitis Gangrene Herpes simplex Hidradenitis

6 Staphylococcal folliculitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.24 Staphylococcal folliculitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

7 Herpes labialis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.25 Herpes labialis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

8 Urticaria hives. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.26 Urticaria hives. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

9 Inflammation Video Click on the screenshot to view an video on the topic of inflammation. The video may take a moment to begin playing. Back to Directory

10 Inflammation Animation
Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the topic of inflammation. Back to Directory 10

11 Audio Pronunciations Hyperhidrosis Hypodermic Icteric Impetigo
Integumentary hypo- = under derm = skin -ic = pertaining to

12 Impetigo. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.27 Impetigo. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 12

13 Audio Pronunciations Intradermal Jaundice Keloid Lentigo

14 Keloid. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.28 Keloid. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

15 Audio Pronunciations Leukoderma Leukoplakia Lupus Melanocarcinoma

16 Audio Pronunciations Melanoma Miliaria Mole Onychitis Onychomycosis

17 Melanoma, forearm. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.29 Melanoma, forearm. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

18 Miliaria. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.30 Miliaria. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

19 Nevus (mole). (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.31 Nevus (mole). (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

20 Onychomycosis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.32 Onychomycosis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

21 Audio Pronunciations Pachyderma Paronychia Pediculosis Petechiae

22 Pediculosis capitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.33 Pediculosis capitis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 22

23 Audio Pronunciations Pruritus Psoriasis Purpura Rhytidoplasty Rosacea
Roseola rhytid/o = wrinkle -plasty = surgical repair

24 Psoriasis, lower extremities. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.34 Psoriasis, lower extremities. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

25 Purpura. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.35 Purpura. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

26 Rosacea. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.36 Rosacea. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 26

27 Roseola. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.37 Roseola. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

28 Audio Pronunciations Rubella Rubeola Scabies Scar

29 Scabies. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.38 Scabies. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 29

30 Audio Pronunciations Scleroderma Seborrhea Sebum Senile keratosis
Skin signs

31 Figure 5.39 Photoaging solar elastosis; senile keratosis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

32 Figure 5.40 Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt.

33 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 33

34 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 34

35 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 35

36 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 36

37 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 37

38 Figure 5.40 (continued) Skin signs are objective evidence of an illness or disorder. They can be seen, measured, or felt. 38

39 Audio Pronunciations Squamous cell carcinoma Striae Subcutaneous

40 Squamous cell carcinoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.41 Squamous cell carcinoma. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 40

41 Striae. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.42 Striae. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.) 41

42 Audio Pronunciations Taut Telangiectasia Thermanesthesia Tinea

43 Tinea corporis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.43 Tinea corporis. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

44 Audio Pronunciations Ulcer Varicella Vitiligo Wart Wound

45 Wound Repair Animation
Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the topic of wound repair. Back to Directory

46 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of wound care.
Wound Care Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of wound care. Back to Directory

47 Leg ulcer radiation site. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.44 Leg ulcer radiation site. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

48 Varicella (chickenpox). (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.45 Varicella (chickenpox). (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

49 Plantar wart. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)
Figure 5.46 Plantar wart. (Courtesy of Jason L. Smith, M.D.)

50 Audio Pronunciations Xanthoderma Xanthoma Xeroderma Xerosis

51 Life Span Considerations
Skin conditions can be acute or chronic, local or systemic. Dryness (xerosis) and itching (pruritus) are common in older adults. Certain children’s skin conditions are associated with age, such as miliaria in babies and acne in adolescents.

52 Drug Highlights Emollients Keratolytics Local anesthetic agents
Substances that are generally oily in nature. Keratolytics Agents that cause or promote loosening of horny (keratin) layers of the skin. Local anesthetic agents Inhibit the conduction of nerve impulses from sensory nerves and thereby reduce pain and discomfort.

53 Drug Highlights Antihistamine agents Antipruritic agents
Act to prevent the action of histamine. Antipruritic agents Agents that prevent or relieve itching Antibiotic agents Agents that destroy or stop the growth of microorganisms

54 Drug Highlights Antifungal agents Antiviral agents
Agents that destroy or inhibit the growth of fungi and yeast Antiviral agents Agents that combat specific viral diseases Anti-inflammatory agents Agents used to relieve inflammation

55 Drug Highlights Antiseptic agents Other drugs
Agents that prevent or inhibit growth of pathogens Other drugs Retin-A (tretinoin) Rogaine (minoxidil) Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox Cosmetic)

56 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Tuberculosis Skin Tests Test performed to identify the presence of the Tubercle bacilli. The tine, Heaf, or Mantoux test are used.

57 Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of TB testing.
TB Testing Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of TB testing. Back to Directory

58 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Scratch (epicutaneous) or prick test A suspected allergen that causes redness or swelling at the scratch site within 10 minutes indicates allergy to the substance. Sweat Test (chloride) Test performed on sweat to determine the level of chloride concentration on the skin. In cystic fibrosis, there is an increase in skin chloride.

59 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Tzanck Test Microscopic examination of a small piece of tissue that has been surgically scraped from a pustule to identify the type of viral infection. Wound Culture Performed on wound exudate to determine the presence of microorganisms and to identify the specific type.

60 Wound Cultures Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of wound cultures. Back to Directory

61 Diagnostic and Lab Tests
Biopsy (skin) Microscopic examination of a small piece of living tissue obtained surgically, through a needle and syringe, hollow punch, brush, or stereotactically, to distinguish between benign and malignant conditions. Sedimentation rate Blood test to determine the rate blood cells settle in a long narrow tube.

62 Insert abbreviations from chapter

63 Combining Form Match Up Quiz
albin/o a. heat caus/o b. thick erythr/o c. dry pachy/o d. white xer/o e. red

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