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Content Management System
Motivation for a Risk Assessment Management System Risk Assessment Methodology Fire Prevention Actions Security /Access control options
Management System All owners (Houses; Plots) are shareholders of the estate. Holding the same value. VISION : An aspirational description of what the business would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. In the absence of a Vision identified elements from the Constitution guide the action plans VALUES : A declaration that informs the company’s shareholders and staff about the top priorities and the core beliefs of the company In the absence of a Value Statement identified elements from the Constitution guide what core beliefs should be incorporated in the business. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM : A management system is the way in which an organization wishes to manage the inter-related parts of the business in order to achieve the objectives. The method used is Risk Assessment which is the identification of hazards that could negatively impact on an organization's ability to grow the business.
Motivation for Risk assessment Management system
The method used is Risk Assessment which is the identification of hazards that could negatively impact on the organization's ability to achieve targets and objectives and to grow the business. RISK ASSESSMENT ADVANTAGES: Responsible way to set targets and objectives All shareholders participate or are prompted to participate to identify hazards More efficient use of resources and improved financial performance, The Vision targets and objectives, as well as prioritised Values Statements are incorporated in the methodology Safety Protection of People Environment Protection of the Environment Financial - Responsible Financial Quality - Increased capability to deliver Management consistent and improved services and products. Increasing value to customers and all other stakeholders. When a new method or equipment is implemented a Risk Assessment is conducted which will identify possible effects on: Financial - cost to maintenance Impact on individual shareholders
Risk Assessment Methodology
Identify Activities, Services or Facilities Identify the Type of Hazard and the Hazard Identify Cause of Hazard Identify Risk Effect No: ACTIVITIES SERVICES FACILITIES Safety Environment Financial Quality HAZARDS CAUSE OF HAZARD RISK EFFECT 1 Access to the Klipfonteyn Estate S Illegal access onto HOA areas Multiple Access points - Private, Sales, Multiple walkthrough points onto green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible hide aways in green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible Theft, Fatalities, Injuries
Risk Assessment Methodology
Exposure Probability Consequence Risk Rating Risk Assessment Methodology RISK RATING Exposure x Probability x Consequence
Risk Assessment Methodology
Identify Activities, Services or Facilities Identify the Type of Hazard and the Hazard Identify Cause of Hazard Identify Risk Effect Conduct the Pre-Mitigation Risk Rating Calculate the Risk Rating No: ACTIVITIES SERVICES FACILITIES Safety Environment Financial Quality HAZARDS CAUSE OF HAZARD RISK EFFECT PRE-MITIGATION RISK RATING RATING Exposure Probability Consequences 1 Access to the Estate Klipfonteyn S Illegal access onto HOA areas Multiple Access points - Private, Sales included, Multiple walkthrough points onto green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible hide-a ways in green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible Theft, Fatalities, injuries 10 6 40 2400
Risk Assessment Methodology
Identify Activities, Services or Facilities Identify the Type of Hazard and the Hazard Identify Cause of Hazard Identify Risk Effect Conduct the Pre-Mitigation Risk Rating Calculate Risk Rating Identify Legal Require-ments Identify Current Controls No: ACTIVITIES SERVICES FACILITIES Safety Environment Financial Quality HAZARDS CAUSE OF HAZARD RISK EFFECT PRE-MITIGATION RISK ASSESSMENT RATING CONTROLS Exp. Prob Conq Legal and Other Requirements (constitution) Current 1 Access to the Estate Klipfonteyn S Illegal access onto HOA areas Multiple Access points - Private, Sales included, Multiple walkthrough points onto green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible hide-a ways in green areas by poachers, pedestrians and cyclers; Possible Theft, Fatalities, injuries 10 6 40 2400 Municipal Bylaws; HOA Constitution Owners report to a WHATSAPP group; Entrance Camera
Risk Assessment Methodology
Conduct Post- Mitigation Risk Rating Calculate New Rating Identify Objectives and Targets Draw up Management Plan POST-MITIGATION RISK RATING NEW RATING OBJECTIVES TARGETS MANAGEMENT PLAN Exp. Prob Conq WHO WHAT DATE RESOURCES Measuring Monitoring 10 3 40 1200 Safety of Occupants and properties 1. Introduce an Awareness Campaign on possible theft and housebreakings and possible actions Investigate the possibility of a Notice board with safety awareness actions at the entrance Develop a scope for 360 degree Security 1. Chairperson with inputs from Trustees Chairperson Trustee (A. Mostert) 1. Every property owner to receive an awareness document. The content should include: Property owners to inform houseguests to be aware of their safety risks Important to communicate incidents with other property owners Investigate the possibility of a Notice board with safety awareness actions at the entrance Develop scope for 360 degree security and circulate to Trustees for input Contact Security Companies for tenders Trustees; Equipment (Camera) Risk Assessment
RISK LEVEL with possible mitigating action implemented
Risk Assessment Methodology RISK LEVEL with possible mitigating action implemented
Fire Prevention Actions
Security /Access Control options
Security option Description/Alternatives Post Mitigation (estimate) Installation Cost Monthly Cost - (Guarding & Maintenance) Home Owner Self- Security Every Homeowner Install own security TBD Owners cost Owners Cost Home Owner Self- Security - Trustees responsible for green areas on behalve Owners cost + corporate cost dependent on the method decided upon Full Security - Klipfonteyn area managed by Security Company Possible Sub options to be investigated which will have the same risk result 101 ±R60000/month 1. Full security fence suported by either Cameras or Alarms This option was investigated but there are other legal and practical facts to be considered 2. Full system without electric fence but with either Cameras or Alarms as monitors 4. Full system with only fences all around with gates at entrances. 5. Full system with fences and electronic fence on seefront CCTV cameras Security - Klipfonteyn area managed by Security Company ±16 Camaras managed by security companny Community Informants reporting incidents/intrusions Informance from the different communities reports to a internal agent Community/Security company reporting incidents/intrutions
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