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Topics on Influence Processes

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Presentation on theme: "Topics on Influence Processes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topics on Influence Processes
Large Networks 2004, UCL

2 In short… The Influence Model The Voter Model
Spread of Infectious Diseases Interests General vision Similarity between Graph Vertices

3 The Influence Model dangerous stressed irritated relax irritated
1/2 1/3 1/6 irritated relax irritated stressed dangerous 1/10 3/10 4/10 2/10

4 The Influence Model Homogeneous Model: same influence
Binary Model: 2 states, imitating

5 The Voter Model - Symmetric - Absorbing state - p[1] and p[2]

6 The Voter Model

7 The Voter Model (.35,0) interface

8 The Voter Model (.27,0) interface

9 The Voter Model (.31,0) interface

10 The Voter Model (.31,0) uniform

11 Infectious Diseases M Reproduction number R0 S E I R deaths births
SIR: influenza SIS: cold

12 Infectious Diseases mixed structured bond percolation

13 Interests (1) Figure out catastrophes waves
Figure out opinion formation Figure out phase transition Relation with topology

14 Interests (2) Control catastrophes waves (to connect ?)
Control opinion formation (media) Control spread of diseases (vaccinations) Control phase transition (topology)

15 General Vision Time Discrete Continuous k l j i State Discrete
Function Depends on I,j,k,l Linear or Non-Linear Stochastic or Deterministic Depends on time Different for subsets of nodes

16 Similarity between graph vertices
1 2 Hub and Authority 1 2 3 + intermediate node (1,1,1) (1,1,0) (2,2,0) (1,1,1) (0,2,2) a a (0,2,2) a c c c b b b (1,1,1) (1,1,0) (2,2,0) (2,2,0) (4,4,0) (0,4,4) (0,4,4) a a c c b b (2,2,0) (4,4,0)

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