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Unit 4 What would you do? I would ….

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 What would you do? I would …."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 What would you do? I would …

2 Section B Period 2

3 If I were you, I would wear …, because …
I don't know what to wear. a shirt T - shirt a dress jeans pants If I were you, I would wear …, because …

4 Which is the best choice?
A B C D E If I were you, I would choose …

5 nervous shy tired terrible friendly
1. I’m really ________. I’ve been studying all day. 2. I don’t like making speeches. I feel __________ talking in front of many people. 3. If you were more _________ to people, you would have more friends. 4. My stomach feels __________. I think I ate something bad at lunch. 5. People think Paul is very ________. But in fact he talks a lot with his friends. nervous friendly terrible shy Self check ---1

6 Dear knowledgeable, My best friend, Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure She will win. It’s probably true. Mei is very clever and can speak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that she’s very shy. She doesn’t want to let her friends down, but she’s terrified of speaking in front of other people. She’s my friend, so she can tell me that she’s shy. But she can’t tell everyone that. I don’t think they would believe her. I can’t think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to people’s problems. What do you think I should tell Mei? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students? Fran

7 Writing practice Imagine you are Knowledgeable.
Write a letter to Fran. Give him some advice. Dear Fran, Yours, Knowledgeable Writing practice

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