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What causes the colonists to revolt against British rule?

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Presentation on theme: "What causes the colonists to revolt against British rule?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What causes the colonists to revolt against British rule?
Road to Revolution What causes the colonists to revolt against British rule?

2 Enlightenment influences America
Enlightenment philosophers write about equality, fairness and reason. Ex: John Locke’s natural rights 1750s: Benjamin Franklin begins calling for colonial unity and using Enlightenment ideas in science & politics Ideas from the Great Awakening & Thomas Paine’s Common Sense begin to question authority

3 French and Indian War France & Nat. Ams vs. Britain & Am. Colonists (land issues) British win war after Iroquois help British army Discuss: Why was the proclamation popular with Nat.Ams but not w/ colonists? King George issues Proclamation of 1763 no settlements west of Appalachians

4 Early Issues For Colonists
1. Stamp Act, 1765 Trying to raise money for F & I War, British Parliament requires all printed documents to have revenue stamp First direct tax on everyday needs, colonists protest 2. Townshend Acts, 1767 British repeal stamp act but pass Townshend Acts, taxing many items never taxed before (glass, ink, paint, paper, tea) Samuel Adams & Sons of Liberty start boycott of British goods

5 Boston Massacre, 1770 Due to protests, British increase troops British troops open fire on protestors in Boston VQ1: Who or what escalated the violence? VQ2: How did word of the massacre spread so quickly?

6 Read History Through Art - page 48 (use comp senetnces)
What did the engraver put on the sign above the soldiers and why do you think he did this? How was Captain Preston portrayed vs. how he actually acted? Discuss: Why does P. Revere’s point of view matter in below pic?

7 Boston Tea Party, 1773 British East India Co. losing money on tea due to boycott Parliament passes Tea Act: BEIC pays no export tax, meaning British tea has no tax but American tea still does Colonists (dressed like NAs) dump British tea into Boston Harbor

8 Intolerable Acts, 1774 Boston Harbor is shut down Quartering Act: forced colonists to house British soldiers Reduced right of self-government , local assemblies susp. Boston Massacre trial moved to London Something must be done!

9 First Continental Congress, 1774
Each colony sends reps to Philadelphia, discuss what to do about British If British use violence colonists should fight back, so they form a militia called the Minutemen Minutemen claim British fired at them in city of Lexington, Minutemen strike back at Concord Were not going to be pushed around!

10 Second Continental Congress: 1775
Colonists debate two main issues: 1. Should we declare independence from Britain? 2. Should we work things out with King George? Second Cont Cong sends Olive Branch Petition to King George King rejects it, SCC agrees to form an army and declare independence (first fight at Bunker Hill) Let’s give the King another Chance I don’t think so rebel scum!

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