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Place the logo of your community partner here.

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Presentation on theme: "Place the logo of your community partner here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Place the logo of your community partner here.
Your poster title here Your name(s) here Course # - Course Name - Instructor Introduction: Learning goals (What did your instructor want you to learn from your service? What did you want to learn?) for example: develop a better understanding of the applications of psychological principles, specifically related to working with children. Hint– check your syllabus for a statement from your instructor about why they have included SL in the class. PHOTO (highest resolution possible) or GRAPH or TABLE You are responsible for obtaining release forms to use photographs of community participants (agency clients, children). Release form available on the SL website at Course Concepts: What course concepts have you applied to your service learning experience? Explain each theory/idea/practice/thought Did your experience support or contradict course concepts? Reference: Please site your sources here in your disciplines’ preferred format: APA, MLA, Chicago. Reflection: INSERT YOUR REFLECTION ON YOUR SL EXPERIENCE HERE. Ponder Reflection: Internally or with your group, think about what you did (this is included elsewhere on the poster). Think about what you did in light of course concepts. Ponder the prompts below. After this reflective practice, write the reflection section. Potential Prompts for articulating your learning – use all or some Recall the beginning of this course/project, how has your thinking shifted as a result of this Service Learning experience? Have your assumptions changed about the people/community/people’s needs/social systems or structures? In what ways? When did you have your aha moment, and what brought it about? Why is this service and your learning important? Going forward, what will you do and how will you think differently as a result of this learning experience? Community Partner: Name: Mission Statement (check their website for this) Project Purpose /Need: (How did you help the agency/community? For example: to mentor at-risk youth, work towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS, provide companionship to a senior, research population needs, etc.) PHOTO (highest resolution possible) or GRAPH or TABLE You are responsible for obtaining release forms to use photographs of community participants (agency clients, children). Release form available on the SL website at Methods: Describe what you did and how you did it: Results: Results of your work in the community: How did your work address the needs of the community? Place the logo of your community partner here.

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