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Motion to a Start High Throughput Study Group

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1 Motion to a Start High Throughput Study Group
May 2002 Motion to a Start High Throughput Study Group John Terry, PhD John Terry, Nokia Inc.

2 Month 2002 doc.: IEEE /xxxr0 May 2002 Motion Move to form a new IEEE Study Group called the High Throughput Study Group (HTSG), to investigate the feasibility of providing throughputs greater than the existing standard. Upon confirmation of feasibility and per 802 operating rules, the HTSG shall draft a PAR and 6 criteria to be submitted to the WG. John Terry, Nokia Inc. John Doe, His Company

3 Month 2002 doc.: IEEE /xxxr0 May 2002 Motion Move to form a new IEEE Study Group called the High Throughput Study Group (HTSG), to investigate the feasibility of providing throughputs greater than the existing standard. Upon confirmation of feasibility and per 802 operating rules, the HTSG shall draft a PAR and 6 criteria to be submitted to the WG. With the first HTSG meeting starting not earlier than September 2002 session John Terry, Nokia Inc. John Doe, His Company

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