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Davis-Putnam Methods Computational Logic Lecture 5

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1 Davis-Putnam Methods Computational Logic Lecture 5
Michael Genesereth Autumn 2011

2 Level Saturation

3 Level Saturation Method
function lsm () ;  is a linked list of clauses {var results  ; while ({}  ) {results  lss(,results)   concat(,results) function lss (, ) {var results  []; for (var   ) {for (  ) {results  concat(results,resolvents(,))}}; return results}

4 Example for DP Multiple proofs. Resolutions between parents and children.

5 Davis Putnam Procedure
function dp () {for  in vocabulary() do {var ’{}; for 1 in  for 2 in  such that   1   2 do {var ’ 1 {}  2  {}; if not tautology(’) then ’’{’}};   { |    or   }  ’}; return {if {}   then unsatisfiable else satisfiable}} function tautology() {  and   }

6 Example Without DP {p, q, r} {q, r} {p} {p, q, r} {q, r} {p}
{p, q, r} {q, r} {q} {p, q, r} {q, r} {q} {p, q, r} {p, r} {r} {p, q, r} {p, r} {r} {p, q, r} {p, r} {p, q, r} {p, r} {} {p, q} {p, q} Cost = {p, q} 378 resolutions {p, q}

7 Example With DP {p, q, r} {q, r} {p, q, r} {q, r} {p, q, r} {q, r}
{p, q, r} {r} {p, q, r} {r} {p, q, r} {} Cost = = 21 resolutions

8 Motivation for DPLL DP can cause a quadratic expansion every time it is applied. This can easily exhaust space on large problems. DPLL attacks this problem by sequentially solving smaller problems. Basic idea: Choose a literal. Assume true, simplify clause set, and try to show satisfiable. Repeat for the negation of the literal. Good because we do not cross multiply the clause set.

9 Davis Putnam Logemann Loveland
function dpll () {var ; if  = {} then return yes; if {}  then return no;   choose vocabulary()); if dpll(simplify(, )) return yes else return dpll(simplify(,))} function simplify (, ) {var ’; for    do {if  then skip else if negation() then ’ ’  {  {negation()}} else ’ ’  {}}}

10 Simplification Example
Clauses: {p,q} {p,r} {r,s} Literal: p Simplification: {r}

11 Comparisons Problem Tautology DP DPLL Prime 30.00 0.00 0.00
Prime16 > 1 hour * 9.15 Prime17 > 1 hour * Mkadder32 >> 1 hour Mkadder42 >> 1 hour Mkadder52 >> 1 hour Mkadder53 >> 1 hour Mkadder63 >> 1 hour * Mkadder73 >> 1 hour *

12 Coin Logic Syntax: The logical constants: quarters, nickels, dimes
Negation: coin upside down Disjunction: stack of coins Conjunction: set of stacks Almost exactly clausal form. Propositional Resolution: Add two stacks, deleting at most one pair of complementary coins.

13 Example Quarter means it is Monday. Nickel means Mary loves Pat.
Dime means Mary loves Quincy. [Nickel,Dime]: If Mary loves Pat, Mary loves Quincy. [Quarter,Nickel,Dime]: Monday Mary loves P or Q. [Nickel, Dime]:Mary loves only one of the two. [Quarter,Dime]: If Monday, Mary loves Quincy. [Quarter,-Nickel]: If Monday, Mary does not love Pat.

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