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“The Truth Concerning the Home’s Foundation!”

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1 “The Truth Concerning the Home’s Foundation!”
(Truth Matters) “The Truth Concerning the Home’s Foundation!” James 4:1-10

2 This chart illustrates “The change in proportion of first relationship types over time – blue (married) red (cohabit)

3 The Biblical foundation for marriage and the home is illustrated above in guess what?

4 Remember Barbie and Ken?

5 Base of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

6 Distant view of Leaning Tower

7 to reaffirm God’s plan for the home as the only sure foundation
Purpose: to reaffirm God’s plan for the home as the only sure foundation

8 I The Foundation of SAND
A. Worldly Goals

9 Couple not committed to the Lord and to each other is a train wrecking looking for a place to happen!

10 I The Foundation of SAND
A. Worldly Goals B. Ever Changing Feelings

11 You’ve lost that lovin’ feelin’ Whoa, that lovin’ feelin’ You lost that lovin’ feelin’ Now it’s gone, gone, gone, whoa…

12 I The Foundation of SAND
A. Worldly Goals B. Ever Changing Feelings C. Similar Interests

13 Marriage based on the foundation of sand will NOT hold a marriage together!

14 II The Foundation of ROCK

15 The only proper foundation for any home/marriage is Christ…!

16 II The Foundation of ROCK
A. Worldly Goals

17 Matthew 10:37-38 “Anyone who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.”

18 Kurt Warner (super bowl champion quarterback) testifies that his life, carrier and marriage were headed the wrong direction UNTIL he learned to put “first things first.” The Lord became the priority of his life, marriage and carrier….

19 II The Foundation of ROCK
A. Worldly Goals B. A Shared Commitment to Christ

20 To have a husband and wife pulling in opposite directions is detrimental to marriage…

21 II The Foundation of ROCK
A. Worldly Goals B. A Shared Commitment to Christ C. A Directed Commitment

22 Who better to listen to when taking cue in building your marriage/home?!

23 III The Foundation of APPLI- CATION
A. Pray Together

24 Pray Together: Kids need to hear their parents pray with and for them… Parents need to hear their kids pray…

25 III The Foundation of APPLI- CATION
A. Pray Together B. Worship Together

26 When school, work, extended family, sporting events, things above and more take priority over Christ and His Church, the next generation knows…

27 III The Foundation of APPLI- CATION
A. Pray Together B. Worship Together C. Serve Together

28 If parents don’t teach their kids what serving the Lord and one another is all about, who will?...

29 Tells the account of John D
Tells the account of John D. Unwin, a British anthropologist who did an in depth study of eighty civilizations that had come and gone over a period of 4,000 years. A common thread ran through all eighty…

30 Conclusion and Summary
Want to end with the question with which we started: “Is there any doubt that the American family is in trouble?” Is there any doubt that strong homes have a strong foundation and that foundation is Christ? Is there any doubt that truth matters when it comes to marriage and the home?!

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