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InvestorsObserver Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "InvestorsObserver Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 InvestorsObserver Workshop

2 InvestorsObserver Workshop
Market update What’s going on at InvestorsObserver: Member-driven content: Questions, site demonstrations, etc. Can prepare slides for questions submitted ahead of time: Mention “workshop”

3 S&P 500: Long view 20 years of 1-month candles

4 S&P 500: Having a blast Four years One-week candles

5 S&P 500: Basketcase Four months One-day candles

6 S&P 500

7 What else is going on? Trade: “Tariff Man” No real new developments.
Federal Reserve/Interest rates Expect a pause BUT ALSO, a lot more noise. Starting in January, every meeting has a press conference. Politics in Europe: Brexit France

8 Questions from Bob Do you ever use inverse funds for Credit spreads, Covered calls, or Diagonals? You can, although with the exception of covered calls, it may make more sense to just use a bearish strategy. For diagonals, I generally get out of a position if I am down 10% gross value, any other defenses in mind? I don’t really care for an approach based on hard rules… Works sometimes, but gets out at the bottom other times. Do you have a general rule about being in the market relative to VIX value? Not really. High VIX tends to be relatively short-lived. Probably open fewer positions when VIX is short, because it measures uncertainty… With our style of trading, we prefer to have some directional bias.

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