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“Reverend Abbott and Those Bloodshot Eyes”

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Presentation on theme: "“Reverend Abbott and Those Bloodshot Eyes”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Reverend Abbott and Those Bloodshot Eyes”
By Walter Dean Myers

2 Harlem is a neighborhood in New York City.

3 A reverend is the title for a leader in certain religions, such as Christianity. (noun)

4 A crucifix is a religious symbol in the shape of a cross. (noun)

5 A chaperone is a person (usually older) who accompanies others during social occasions and ensures they are behaving properly. (noun)

6 A compromise is an agreement reached when people on both sides of an issue give up something. (noun)

7 “Mumbo jumbo” is a phrase that refers to something that is confusing or meaningless

8 The “evil eye” is a curse believed to be cast by a mean glare, usually given to a person when they are unaware.

9 Sugar Ray Robinson was an African American professional boxer.

10 Willie Mays was a baseball all-star.

11 “Caddy” is a nickname for a Cadillac car.

12 “Turn the other cheek” means to not give someone “payback” if they have attacked or insulted you.

13 Collard greens are a leafy plant we can eat.

14 Before we had air conditioning, people tried to keep cool using handheld fans.

15 Mambo is a Latin dance of Cuba.

16 Square dancing is a dance for four couples arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, facing the middle of the square.

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