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Contact Accident August 8, 2017

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1 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Crew: Foreman Mike **** Bucket Operator Justin **** Digger Clint **** Groundman Matt ****

2 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Task – remove existing 40-6 pole (A6.7 & R1.1) and install 45-2 pole (VC1.11L & A5.9) Location – just outside of Linn – on Buckendorf Lane Time – approximately 11:05 a.m. Weather – clear and calm, very mild temperature Conditions – pole is located near gravel roadway with a fence running parallel to the roadway – landowner thought to not be cooperative Precautions taken – OCR was set to non-reclose, trucks were grounded

3 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Bucket 31 Contact location Digger 26

4 Contact Accident August 8, 2017

5 Contact Accident August 8, 2017

6 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Overview: Crew removed old conductor from pole (energized) and had it in the jib, held approximately 20’ away from hole where new pole was to be set. Digger operator was using a remote and standing next to the Foreman who was handling the end of the pole, helping to guide it into the hole. Groundman was observing the bucket and watching the wire in the air. Bucket operator checked tension on the wire by pulling back on it – when he released the wire it flew out of the wire-holder on the end of the jib. Wire came back towards the new pole, grazing the pole tongs, and made contact with the new pole. Foreman did not have gloves on. No cover-up on the line. Digger operator was not making contact with the pole. Groundman was in the clear. Foreman felt the shock and got away from the pole.

7 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Post-accident: Crew was not immediately aware the Foreman had been shocked. Foreman indicated to digger operator he had been shocked but didn’t think anything was wrong. Crew came back to the Linn building to pick up OCR’s then drove back to the jobsite. At the jobsite the Foreman was complaining of a headache and chest pain. Foreman made a phone call to District Supervisor and asked him to come to the jobsite. Once on site the District Supervisor called Safety Coordinator and reported what had occurred and asked for directions on how to proceed. Foreman was taken to University Hospital burn unit for treatment. Crew was told to stand down and return to building. Road was one lane, trucks had to be moved to get back out of site. Foreman was evaluated and released – no injuries and no treatment needed Jib mounted wire-holder was removed and tagged out of service

8 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Investigation: Roger and Bill drove to accident scene and interviewed crew members immediately after the accident was reported. MECIP conducted a comprehensive investigation on August 9, Investigation included visiting the site and taking pictures/measurements, crew interviews and follow-up. The safety committee participated in the on-site portion of the investigation The following notifications were made post-accident – Federated Rural Insurance, MECIP, AMEC, and **MO Public Service Commission **Mo Public Service Commission only requires notification in case of hospitalization – TREC was allowed to not report.

9 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
Preliminary investigation findings: Crew failed to recognize the hazard the wire presented if it were to come loose from the wire-holder No cover-up was used on the energized wire or the pole being set No rubber gloves were being worn by the person handling the pole Unwritten working rules are in place that are not in sync with the safety manual Documented job-briefing could not be verified due to crew erasing the board at their next job

10 Contact Accident August 8, 2017
This is the wire-holder that was in use the day of the accident. Cursory inspection did not show any obvious wear or damage to any part. The truck was fitted with a new wire-holder and this will be sent back to the manufacturer for further evaluation. Operator stated he was not sure the gate was securely latched.

11 Contact Accident August 8, 2017

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