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The Sovereignty of God The Affairs of Man Ebenezer Baptist Church

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1 The Sovereignty of God The Affairs of Man Ebenezer Baptist Church

2 God is Sovereign He is transcendent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, incomprehensible, self-existent, self-sufficient, eternal, immutable, faithful, good, all wise, merciful, just, full of grace and truth, loving and holy…thus

3 He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants with whomever He wants.
King Nebuchadnezzar defends God’s sovereignty. (Daniel 4)

4 Mankind Rebels Against God’s Sovereignty.
We worship the creation (Rom. 1) We assume life has no value (Psa. 119:13-16) We have determined there are no absolutes=moral, spiritual and cultural relativism. (Jn. 17:17)

5 The great Russian author Dostoevsky wrote that “if there is no God, then everything is justifiable.”
We worry over every detail of our life (Matt. 6:25-34) “Every human heart has the seed of rebellion germinating deep within.”

6 God’s Sovereignty Gives Him Ultimate Jurisdiction
Juris=law/diction=I speak. God speaks the law over the 4 primary spheres of life, that He instituted. Overarching all is Gods jurisdiction, it is all encompassing and universal because He is creator of all

7 Since He instituted all jurisdictions, the authority of all flows down from Him.
The four primary spheres are…Self, Family, Church, Civil.

8 God Civil Church Self Family Word of God

9 Self Government Control ourselves and conform our behavior to the structures of God’s commandments.(Jn. 14:15-24; I Jn. 2:3-6)

10 God Self Word of God

11 Family Government Charged with providing for the health and well being of its members. It’s the primary, foundational institution of society, with the widest range of duties and responsibilities. (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:18, 20-24)

12 God Family Word of God

13 Church Government Head is Christ and is charged by Jesus Christ with the propagation of the gospel and training church members in disciple making. (Reach. Grow. Serve. Worship) Lk. 4:8

14 God Church Word of God

15 Civil Government Charged by God with defending the borders and administering the justice system so that the Lord’s people might live in peace and harmony.(Rom. 13:1-7)

16 God Civil Word of God


18 The Cost of Ignoring God’s Sovereignty
Herod Agrippa I was the king of Judea from AD 41 to 44. He was a grandson of Herod the Great(at Jesus birth) and nephew of Herod Antipas(ruler of Galilee) He persecuted the church

19 He was the consummate politician and people pleaser.
He would do whatever he needed to do to maintain power and order. He killed James He put Peter in prison He was “grandstanding” at the most opportune moment.

20 He summarily had 16 prison guards put to death in a fit of anger (12:19)
Herod had no jurisdiction yet manipulated the people by cutting off their food supply forcing them to beg him for help. He was a power monger. (12:19b-20)

21 He made a formal appearance in royal garb that would have “glistened brightly” in the sun.
The consummate politician has his ego stroked one last time… “he is a god, not a man”

22 WARNING!-ignoring God’s sovereignty with human pride can bring things crumbling down.

23 God Self Word of God

24 God Family Word of God

25 God Church Word of God

26 God Civil Word of God


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