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1 Review Slides

2 Which of the following correctly lists the 7 levels of classification from largest to smallest? A. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species B. kingdom, phylum, family, order, class, genus species C. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom A.

3 The branch of biology that involves the grouping and naming of organisms is called: A. phylogeny B. nomenclature C. classification D. taxonomy D.

4 A heterotrophic, eukaryote organism associated with the decomposition of dead material is a(n): A. bacterium B. protist C. herbivore D. fungus D.

5 The 2 kingdoms that have complex organisms with eukaryotic cells that also have organ systems are: A. Animalia and Protista B. Protista and Plantae C. Plantae and Animalia D. Fungi and Plantae C.

6 Which kingdom is the largest with more than 1 million organisms. A
Which kingdom is the largest with more than 1 million organisms? A. Protista B. Animalia C. Eubacteria D. Plantae B.

7 Who was the scientist who came up with binomial nomenclature used to name organisms that we still use today? A. Crick B. Darwin C. Aristotle D. Linnaeus D.

8 In which kingdom does mold growing on a vegetable belong? A. Protista B. Fungi C. Animalia D. Eubacteria E. Plantae B.

9 What does “heterotroph” mean. A
What does “heterotroph” mean? A. an organism that can produce its own food B. an organism that cannot produce its own food and relies on others for food source C. an organism whose cells are simple instead of complex D. an organism that consists of only 2 separate species B.

10 What is the scientific name of an organism that has the following classification: Kingdom-Animalia, Phylum-Chordata, Class- Mammalia, Order-Carnivore, Family-Felidae, Genus-Felis, species-catus? A. house cat B. Felis carnivore C. Felis catus D. Felidae catus C.

11 The organisms of this kingdom are microscopic, mostly heterotrophic, and can cause infections like pneumonia. A. Protista B. Fungi C. Animalia D. Plantae E. Bacteria E.

12 In which kingdom does a ladybug, a tick, and a deer belong. A
In which kingdom does a ladybug, a tick, and a deer belong? A. Animalia B. Archaea C. Protista D. Fungi E. Plantae A.

13 What does it mean to have prokaryotic cells. A
What does it mean to have prokaryotic cells? A. cells that typically do not have membrane bound organelles and they do not have their DNA enclosed inside a nucleus B. these are cells that typically have membrane bound organelles with their DNA enclosed inside a nucleus C. these are cells that typically have membrane bound organelles in a nucleus but they do not have their DNA enclosed inside the nucleus A.

14 The placing of information or objects into groups based on similar characteristics is called: A. speciation B. biochemical analysis C. phylogeny D. classification D.

15 The following is not found in the Protista Kingdom: A. slime molds B
The following is not found in the Protista Kingdom: A. slime molds B. mosses C. algae D. protozoans B.

16 Which of the following contain organisms that are prokaryotic. A
Which of the following contain organisms that are prokaryotic? A. Plantae B. Animalia C. Bacteria & Archaea D. Protista E. Fungi C.

17 An organism that can be multicellular, is eukaryote, and is heterotrophic is… A. Plantae B. Animalia C. Bacteria & Archaea D. Protista B.

18 In which kingdom does algae such as seaweed belong. A. Fungi B
In which kingdom does algae such as seaweed belong? A. Fungi B. Animalia C. Plantae D. Bacteria E. Protista E.

19 In which kingdom do oak trees, a tulip flower, and grasses belong. A
In which kingdom do oak trees, a tulip flower, and grasses belong? A. Fungi B. Animalia C. Plantae D. Bacteria E. Protista B.

20 What does it mean to have eukaryotic cells. A
What does it mean to have eukaryotic cells? A. cells that typically do not have membrane bound organelles and they do not have their DNA enclosed inside a nucleus B. these are cells that typically have membrane bound organelles with their DNA enclosed inside a nucleus C. these are cells that typically have membrane bound organelles in a nucleus and they do have their DNA enclosed inside the nucleus B.

21 What does “autotroph” mean. A
What does “autotroph” mean? A. an organism that can produce its own food B. an organism that cannot produce its own food and relies on others for food source C. an organism whose cells are simple instead of complex D. an organism that consists of only 2 separate species A.

22 In what kingdom do mushrooms belong. A. Fungi B. Animalia C. Plantae D
In what kingdom do mushrooms belong? A. Fungi B. Animalia C. Plantae D. Bacteria E. Protista A.

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